Sunday, December 30, 2012

UNSCDF2 Chapter 32- Offensive Strike

Reygi, Kandahar, Afghanistan
Secronom Research Facility
April 21, 2001
1705 Local Time

            “The vents.” Frederick pointed at an open vent shaft inside the room marked “Controls”.
            “The Russians went out this way.” May spoke to Zyrok.
            “And…?” Zyrok raised an eyebrow.
            “Well, we found a secret room.” Cookson replied.
            “Tell me.” Zyrok pulled out his maps.
            “It’s not on the map.” Frederick pointed at the map.
            “It looks like a thick wall. I was under the impression that the walls were thick to protect the Control Room from explosions.” Zyrok studied the map.
            “So did we.” May replied.
            “What do we have?” Zyrok pointed at the vent.
            “A small room with an elevator and possibly a new entrance other than the vent to get there.” Cookson reported.
            “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s get going.” Zyrok hustled.
            “We’re waiting for you.” Frederick joked.
            “Williams and Green, go to the other side of the wall and await instructions.” Zyrok pointed at his map adjacent to the Control Room.
            “Yes sir.” Williams replied.
            “Frederick, Cookson, Taylor and I will enter the vents. The rest of you stay here.” Zyrok directed.
            “Copy.” Casey nodded.
            Cookson readied his M16 and was the first to crawl into the vent with Frederick following behind.
            “After you.” Zyrok waved for Taylor to go first.
            Once Taylor got in the vent, Zyrok turned his head back to look at the remaining marines and then crawled inside the vent. The vent was a tight squeeze as Zyrok and the marines pushed through.  After Zyrok climbed out of the vent, he noticed a small room with an elevator.
            “Williams, we’re in position. How about you?” Zyrok looked at his map and then tapped on the wall adjacent to the elevator. 
            “Captain, we’re all set and awaiting your orders.” Williams replied.
            “Ok, according to the map, and relative location…you should be here.” Zyrok looked at his map and then tapped on the wall adjacent to the elevator.
              “I don’t see anything.” Frederick examined.
            “Williams, tell me what you see in your room.” Zyrok spoke on the RaidComm.
            “I see computers, cabinets, and chairs.” Williams answered.
            “How about the walls?” Zyrok questioned.
            “Nothing, except a picture frame of the Secronom Inc. logo.” Williams replied.
            “Hmm…see if there’s anything behind that picture frame.” Zyrok wondered.
            “Hold on.” Williams answered.
            Suddenly the wall adjacent to the elevator slid open and Williams was standing at the end of the room with his hand on a button behind the picture frame.
            “That worked.” Green laughed.
            “Nice job gentlemen.” Zyrok congratulated the two marines.
            “Thanks.” Williams and Green replied in unison.
            “Now let’s see where this elevator takes us. Casey, bring the rest of the marines over here.” Zyrok pressed the single button on the access panel and spoke on the RaidComm.
            The marines stood patiently with their guns pointed at the closed elevators doors. After three minutes, the elevator doors opened and it was empty.
            “It’s almost as big as a freight elevator.” Robertson exclaimed as he walked in with the other marines.
            “Forester, this is Zyrok. We have reached a room where it appears to take us deeper underground.” Zyrok looked at the elevator buttons marked “B3” and “B50” and spoke on the RaidComm.
            “Zyrok, where are you guys at?” Forester replied.
            “Next to the Control Room. We found a main entrance to the hidden room.” Zyrok answered.
            “Copy, any signs of the Russians?” Forester asked.
            “No, not yet.” Zyrok responded.
            “Okay, I’ll bring the whole squad there. Give us a few minutes.” Forester requested.
            “Alright.” Zyrok responded with hesitation.
            “Someone’s got to watch the building while we head down.” Frederick looked around.
            “I’ll do it LT.” Williams volunteered.
            “I’ll stay with you Staff Sergeant.” Green replied.
            “Anyone else?” Zyrok asked.
            “I don’t mind Captain.” Timmins stepped forward.
            “Then it’s settled. The three of you guard the building while the rest of us head down.” Zyrok concluded.
            Zyrok checked his ammunition as he waited for Forester’s team to arrive. Frederick slid the magazine out of her SA80 and glanced at it briefly before placing it back. In a minute, Forester jogged into the room with marines.
            “All set?” Forester breathed heavily.
            “Yup.” Zyrok nodded.
            “Let’s go.” Forester waved at the marines to get inside the elevator as she stepped inside.
            Zyrok was the last to step inside the elevator. He looked at Williams, Green, and Timmins and nodded an appreciation for them staying behind.
            “See you soon.” Williams waved farewell as Zyrok closed the elevator doors.
            “Yeah.” Zyrok replied just in time as the doors slid shut.
            “Going down.” the elevator announced.
            The elevator descended slowly at first and then began to pick up speed as it continued down. Zyrok looked at his feet and then looked at the marines. Everybody seemed focused and excited about the new discovery of an underground level. As the elevator reached B50, the descent rate reduced and the elevator slowly came to a stop.
            “B50.” the elevator announced.
            The marines pointed their guns at the doors as the elevator doors slid open. In front of the elevator was a short walk before coming across a giant blast door.
            “Move out.” Frederick commanded.
            The marines quickly filed out of the elevator in an organized manner. As the marines slowly reached the blast door, Zyrok noticed the door was a quarter open. On the other side of the door was total darkness.
            “Russians got through here.” Taylor pointed at the access panel with wires hanging out.
            “Let’s make sure we beat the Russians in finding what we’re looking for.” Frederick turned the flashlight on her gun on.

Erazi, Kandahar, Afghanistan
Russian Communications Outpost
April 21, 2001
1710 Local Time

            “It is official now, the UNSC has found something.” Dimitri clapped his hands as he read a log of the RaidComm.
            “Sir, are we going there now?” Timothy asked.
            “Yes, Nikolai send out all of the militia forces to Reygi and capture the UNSC camp.” Dimitri commanded.
            “Yes sir.” Nikolai nodded and ran out of the room.
            Timothy grabbed his jacket from his chair and stood up to stretch.
            “Thanks for your help gentlemen.” Dimitri thanked and quickly pulled out his Luger sidearm.
            Everything happened so fast that it became a blur. Dimitri popped two rounds into Timothy’s chest and then turned the gun towards Miller. Timothy collapsed to the ground while Miller jumped from his seat.
            “Wait…wait!” Miller exclaimed in horror.
            Bang! Dimitri fired a round into Miller’s forehead instantly killing him. As Dimitri walked to Timothy, he noticed that the marine was still alive on the ground.
            “Why…?” Timothy coughed blood as he clutched his chest.
            “Sergei’s orders. It’s not personal…it’s just business.” Dimitri looked at the marine with an expressionless face.
            With that, Dimitri fired another round into Timothy, only this time shooting him in the head ending his life.
            “Get these bodies out.” Dimitri waved at two militia standing ground beside the entrance.
            As Dimitri walked out of the room, the two militia walked past him and began to clean up the mess.
            “All done sir.” Nikolai ran back with news.
            “Good.” Dimitri patted Nikolai on the shoulder.
            “What happened to the marines?” Nikolai noticed the two marines’ bodies carried out of the room.
            “Business.” Dimitri answered.
            “I see.” Nikolai’s voice trailed off unsure of what to say.
            “Let’s get going. We got a camp to capture.” Dimitri hustled.

*          *          *

            Reid sat down in his desk looking at some UNSC filed. Mendoza rushed beside him with a panicked look.
            “LT!” Mendoza gasped for air.
            “What is it?” Reid asked.
            “Russians! A lot of soldiers are on the way here.” Mendoza reported.
            “What? How?” Reid jumped up from his seat.
            “RaidComm.” Mendoza answered quickly.
            “Oh right. Let them know we’re here alone.” Reid walked to a desk with a microphone.
            “This is Lieutenant Reid with Morgan and Mendoza at the UNSC camp. Russian forces are inbound towards our location. Request reinforcements. Repeat, request reinforcements.” Reid broadcasted on the RaidComm.
            “Lieutenant Reid, this is Base. We hear you, but we can not assist. All the squads have moved to the Secronom facility.” Sears replied back.
            “Reid, Williams here. Echo and Jackal Squadron have gone underground and we are unable to contact them. I recommend you fall back to the research facility where your marines and the rest of us defend.” Williams suggested on the RaidComm.
            “They breached the perimeter.” Morgan rushed into the room.
            “No can do Williams, they’ve breached the perimeter. It’s last stand now.” Reid spoke with a worried face on the microphone.
            “Good luck Lieutenant, it was an honor meeting you.” Williams replied with sadness.
            As Reid was about to reply, five militia rushed into the room and pointed their guns. One Russian soldier rushed into the room and fired at the computer destroying the communications.
            “Freeze!” the Russian soldier pointed his USP at Reid.
            “Where’s Dimitri?” Reid held his hands in the air.
            The Russian soldier paused for a moment and pulled out his radio.
            “Dimitri, this is Nikolai. One UNSC marine wants to see you.” the Russian soldier spoke on the radio.
            “Tell Dimitri it’s Reid and his marines.” Reid urged.
            “Reid is looking for you.” Nikolai added as he spoke on the radio.
            “Well…well…well.” Dimitri walked into the room with two militia soldiers behind him.
            “Dimitri, nice to see you.” Reid greeted.
            “Nikolai, it’s okay. Lower the guns.” Dimitri commanded.
            Nikolai nodded and waved at the militia to leave the room.
            “What’s going on now? Are we striking?” Morgan breathed relief.
            “Yeah, it’s time to finish our operation.” Dimitri smiled.
            “Where are Timothy and Miller?” Reid looked around.
            “They are at the communications outpost assisting with all RaidComm transmissions.” Dimitri lied.
            “Oh, okay.” Reid said with some disappointment.
            “Now let’s put your double agent cover to its use.” Dimitri smiled evilly.
            “What do you mean?” Reid stared blankly.
            “Williams know the Russians are here, but he doesn’t know if you survived. You will take Morgan and Mendoza with you and enter the facility first. When they least expect it, kill them.” Dimitri pounded the desk beside him.
            “Ok, I’m not sure how many marines are with him.” Reid replied.
            “That’s alright. We’ll engage them once you’re in position. While they are busy fighting, shoot them in the back to make our job easier.” Dimitri reassured and tossed Reid his radio.
            Reid looked at the radio and turned it on.
            “Turn it on only when you need to use it. That’s our cue.” Dimitri explained.
            “Alright.” Reid nodded and turned the radio off.
            “We’ll give you a ten minute head start to get there.” Dimitri pointed at the doors.
            “Yes sir.” Reid acknowledged and ran off with Morgan and Mendoza.
            “These ex UNSC marines are so useful and…disposable.” Dimitri laughed.
            “I agree with you sir.” Nikolai spoke his mind.
            “Remind me to thank Sergei once this operation is done.” Dimitri requested.
            “Will do.” Nikolai nodded.
            “Let’s rally the troops before we attack the remaining marines holed up in the facility.” Dimitri walked out of the room.
            “Got it.” Nikolai waved at the soldiers standing guard by the doors.
            Nikolai stood next to the microphone and knocked it over. He smiled in satisfaction and stormed out of the room to rally the soldiers for the offensive strike.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

UNSCDF2 Chapter 31- Finding Level Zulu

Reygi, Kandahar, Afghanistan
April 21, 2001
1525 Local Time

            A troop transport Warthog approached the UNSC camp and was greeted by Reid and Mendoza. Zyrok stepped out of the passenger’s seat and waved the marines on the Warthog to get off. Casey turned off the ignition and grabbed his Sega-20 whilst Williams and Christopher jumped out the back of the Warthog. Frederick just sat coolly in her seat.
            “Captain, the guns are out.” Reid handed Zyrok a pair of binoculars.
            Zyrok took the binoculars and looked at the Secronom Research Facility in the distant. The sentry guns were no longer there and seemed to have gone back underground.
            “Good job.” Zyrok smiled in satisfaction as he returned the binoculars back to Reid.
            “Zyrok, shall we go?” Reid asked.
            “We’re going, but you and your team is staying behind to watch the camp.” Zyrok replied.
            “Sir, I would like to join you. Morgan and Mendoza can take care of this camp pretty well.” Reid requested.
            “That’s correct sir.” Mendoza replied in agreement.
            “No, we need you here in case the Russians or the militia show up.” Zyrok countered.
            “Understood sir.” Reid said with disappointment.
            “I’ll let you know if we need you.” Zyrok replied.
            “Camp, this is Forester. Are Zyrok and Frederick on their way here? We’re waiting at the entrance.” Forester spoke on the RaidComm.
            “Forester, this is Zyrok. We’ve reached the camp and are on our way there.” Zyrok replied back.
            “Get back on marines.” Casey ordered as he got into the driver’s seat.
            Williams grabbed a seat beside Frederick while Christopher sat in front of her.
            “See you soon Lieutenant.” Zyrok saluted Reid and got in the passenger’s seat.
            “Good luck sir.” Reid saluted back as he watched Casey turned the ignition on.
            Casey stepped on the accelerator and the Warthog sped forward towards the facility. As the Warthog passed the broken fence with a stationary troop transport Warthog, Zyrok turned his head.
            “Stop.” Zyrok shouted.
            Casey slammed on the brakes and Zyrok got out. Zyrok looked at the Warthog and then looked at the ground.
            “What is it Zyrok?” Frederick asked as she climbed out of the vehicle.
            “Powell…” Zyrok saw a half buried Powell in the sand.
            Zyrok ran to the body and knelt to the ground.
            “I’m sorry Powell, may you be in a better place now.” Zyrok reached for Powell’s UNSC dog tag and removed it.
            “Rest in peace.” Frederick approached Zyrok and placed her hand on Zyrok’s shoulder.
            “Let’s bury him.” Zyrok cupped his hands in the sand around him and poured it over the body.
            Frederick watched as Zyrok continued to put sand over Powell’s body and froze in thought. She knew that Powell was not part of Echo Squad, but Zyrok treated him like he was in their squad. Most officers would pick up the UNSC dog tags and leave, but Zyrok did more. Suddenly Frederick realized that she was motionless as Zyrok was burying Powell. She knelt to the ground and began to help Zyrok bury Powell. As Frederick assisted Zyrok, the rest of the marines seated in the Warthog rushed over and began to follow Zyrok’s actions. In a matter of minutes, Powell’s body was buried in a heap of sand.
            “Thank you.” Zyrok thanked the marines and stood up.
            “You’re different Zyrok.” Frederick whispered as she got up.
            “Huh?” Zyrok didn’t quite catch what Frederick said to him.
            “Oh, it’s nothing.” Frederick looked away and walked to the Warthog.
            “Williams, get the other Warthog and drive with us to the entrance.” Zyrok pointed at the Warthog between the broken fences.
            “Yes sir.” Williams replied and hurried off.
            Zyrok got back in the passenger’s seat and pointed at the main gates. Casey watched as the marines got on his Warthog and then sped to the gates where Forester and her marines were waiting.
            “Open sesame!” Casey hollered and smiled.
            Forester nodded and pressed a button inside a small room and the gates slid open. Casey slowly drove the Warthog to the building as Williams drove the other Warthog behind him.
            “Need a lift Lieutenant?” Williams stopped beside Forester and her team and offered a ride.
            “Sure, thanks.” Forester thanked and climbed to the passenger’s seat.
            The rest of Forester’s team climbed aboard the Warthog and sat comfortably in their seats. As Casey drove his Warthog to the building, Zyrok studied the exteriors and looked at the map he brought.
            “Park it there.” Zyrok pointed at a side door.
            “Aye sir.” Casey steered the Warthog left.
            Williams followed Zyrok and parked his Warthog beside Casey. All the marines got out of their vehicles and huddled next to a door.
            “Alright people, this is it. We’re here at the Secronom Research Facility and now we have to find whatever secrets it holds within.” Zyrok briefed.
            “Most doors require a Secronom keycard, so be on the lookout for these.” Forester held up two keycards in the air.
            “What’s the plan Zyrok?” Taylor asked.
            “Search the entire building.” Zyrok replied instantly.
            “Here, have one.” Forester gave Zyrok a keycard.
            “Are these hard to find?” Zyrok asked quietly.
            “Somewhat, but most of the time it can be found in the office desks.” Forester answered back quietly.
            “Marines, you are to report back to your commanding officers and await further orders. Forester and I will be in charge of Echo while Frederick will be in charge of Jackal.” Zyrok ordered.
            “Let’s get going soldiers.” Frederick shouted.
            “Frederick, May’s team is currently guarding the Control Room.” Forester interrupted.
            “Ok, thanks. Williams, Christopher, and I will head on over there.” Frederick thanked.
            Frederick opened the door for her marines to enter. Zyrok smiled at Frederick as she walked in and the door closed behind her.
            “Forester, you guys can go first. Taylor and Schmidt on me.” Zyrok looked at his watch.
            “Sir?” Casey looked at Zyrok.
            “Go with Forester.” Zyrok directed.
            Forester looked at Zyrok with a confused face, but decided not to ask Zyrok. Forester led her team inside as Zyrok took out his map.
            “Zyrok?” Taylor attempted to break the awkward silence.
            “Oh, right. The map we recovered from the Archives does not indicate Level Zulu, but the Archives mentioned about this level. I want to see if we can find it.” Zyrok explained.
            “Do you think it’s outside here?” Schmidt asked as he looked around.
            “Could be…the sentry guns in the map are shown on Level 1. However, you can see that the guns clearly go underground, but it’s not shown on the B1 map.” Zyrok flipped through the maps.
            “Are you suggesting we find the entrance to the sentry guns and see what’s down there?” Taylor pointed at the ground.
            “Something like that.” Zyrok nodded.
            “Then let’s got check it out.” Schmidt said enthusiastically.
            The marines ran to the side of the building where a sentry gun originally was. The ground had a metal cover enclosing the guns.
            “Do we pry it open or blow the cover off?” Schmidt stomped on the metal ground.
            “What’s with people and blowing things up?” Zyrok shook his head.
            “Because it’s fun?” Schmidt joked.
            “There’s an access panel right there.” Zyrok pointed at the edge of the cover.
            “I didn’t see that…” Schmidt’s voice trailed off as he felt stupid.
            Zyrok crouched beside the panel and swiped the Secronom keycard. The panel beeped and prompted for an access code.
            “Get me a bypass.” Zyrok ordered as he stepped away from the panel.
            Schmidt crouched and began to unscrew the access panel. Taylor watched as Schmidt studied the wiring and cut two wires. Zyrok removed his datapad from his belt and gave it to Schmidt.
            “Thanks.” Schmidt took the datapad from Zyrok and attached two cables to it.
            After a minute, four digits popped up and Schmidt pressed enter. The metal cover hissed and slid open.
            “Get ready.” Zyrok took out his Desert Fox sidearm and readied himself.
            The ground below was illuminated by some wall lights and the light outside. In the center was a sentry gun with a stockpile of ammunition.
            “Schmidt, take point. Taylor, watch our six.” Zyrok ordered as he quickly checked his Exterminator Mesh GT armor.
            Schmidt pointed his M16 down and saw a ladder. He slung the gun over his back and climbed down while Taylor watched from the top with his MSG-9 ready to shoot at any hostiles. Once Schmidt reached the bottom, he scanned the room with his M16 while Zyrok climbed down.
            “See anything boss?” Taylor yelled from the top.
            “No, it seems like it’s just a sentry gun and some computers for controls.” Zyrok walked around the floor.
            “A wild goose chase.” Schmidt sighed.
            “Alright, let’s head back up.” Zyrok replied in disappointment.
            “Zyrok, this reminds me of hunting the Titans.” Schmidt spoke his thoughts.
            “It sure does, but at least we’re not looking to pick a fight.” Zyrok climbed up the ladder.
            “I hope not.” Schmidt joked.
            “Zyrok, this is Frederick here. We found something in the Control Room. You have to come see it.” Frederick spoke on the RaidComm with a hint of surprise in her voice.
            “What is it Frederick?” Zyrok responded back.
            “Just come to the Control Room and see for yourself.” Frederick urged.
            “Alright Frederick, I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Zyrok laughed lightly.
            “Level Zulu?’ Taylor guessed.
            “Don’t know Taylor, but let’s see what Frederick and her team have in store for us.” Zyrok slid his pistol back into his holster.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Sketch of the "Girl in My Gaming Group" 3

Sketch dedicated to the "Girl in My Gaming Group"
*Exclusive on Memoirs of Zyrok*

UNSCDF2 Chapter 30- Securing the Area

Reygi, Kandahar, Afghanistan
Secronom Research Facility
April 21, 2001
1315 Local Time

            “Spread out and watch your sectors.” Forester watched her marines climb out of the vent opening as May’s team secured the area.
            “What a squeeze.” Taylor exclaimed as he climbed out of the vent and wielded his Lock 17.
            “May, where’s the Control Room?” Forester asked.
            “That way.” May pointed down the hall.
            “Timmins and Nevarez, get a system bypass on the door.” Forester ordered.
            As Timmins and Nevarez approached the door, there was some smoke slowly leaking from the frame.
            “Ma’am?” Timmins waved his hand at the black smoke.
            “Is that the smoke we smelled in the air shaft?” Robertson asked.
            “Perhaps it’s from this room.” Green concluded.
            “Get it open.” Forester commanded.
            “Alright. I don’t think smoke should be coming from the Control Room.” Timmins pulled out a set of pliers from his belt.
            Nevarez unscrewed the casing to the access panel and studied the wires.
            “How long?” Forester asked.
            “I’d say ten minutes give or take three.” Nevarez replied.
            “Get it down marines.” Forester looked at her watch.
            “Orders Lieutenant?” May asked.
            “Get your team and secure the Archives.” Forester pointed at the elevator.
            “Yes ma’am.” May nodded and waved her marines.
            “Need this ma’am?” Cookson held the Secronom keycard in his hands.
            “No, keep it Cookson. See if you can loot more. We can bypass the controls once we’re in the Control Room.” Forester shook her head.
            “Ok.” Cookson nodded and walked to his team beside the elevator.
            The elevator doors opened and May’s team went inside. Forester looked at the doors close and then turned to look at Timmins cut some wires. Nevarez attached two cables and inserted into a small datapad. Nevarez pressed some buttons and number slowly appeared. In a few minutes, four digits appeared and Nevarez pressed enter on his datapad.
            “Access Granted.” the panel replied and the doors slid open.
            A wave of black smoke poured out of the room and swept into the halls. There was a small fire in the back of the room beside the computer servers.
            “Get that fire out!” Forester shouted.
            Taylor and Timmins rushed inside and each grabbed a fire extinguisher on the wall. They pointed the nozzle at the fire and sprayed the foam.
            “Nevarez and Schmidt, secure the area.” Forester coughed as the fire was put out and smoke erupted.
            “Clear!” Schmidt exclaimed as he scanned the room.
            “They were here.” Nevarez pointed his gun at an open vent shaft above him.
            “Take a look Nevarez.” Forester ordered as she walked past a door marked “Controls”.
            “Forester, it looks like two servers were fried.” Timmins looked at the molten consoles.
            “Sabotage?” Forester asked.
            “I don’t think so ma’am.” Timmins looked at the other servers.
            “Then what happened?” Forester walked beside Timmins.
            “This room is not hot because of the fire. It is hot because of the servers. I believe it overheated.” Timmins replied.
            Nevarez climbed into the vent shaft and crawled a bit.
            “LT, it looks like the Russians came this way and destroyed a fan.” Nevarez spoke on the RaidComm.
            “That explains it.” Timmins pointed at the vent opening.
            “Damn Russians destroyed the fans. Nevarez, see if you can fix it.” Forester spoke on the RaidComm.
            “It’s going to take a while. They destroyed the motors.” Nevarez spoke back.
            “Copy, see what you can do.” Forester commanded.
            “Let’s check that room.” Taylor pointed at the door marked “Controls”.
            “Breach and clear.” Forester walked to the door and readied her SA80.
            Taylor held his Lock 17 in his hand while Timmins wielded his UMP. Schmidt pushed the door open and the two marines in position rushed into the room in an organized manner. Taylor noticed that there were several computers and an open vent shaft at the end of the wall. Schmidt checked under the desks and smudged footprints leading to the open vent shaft.
            “Clear!” Taylor shouted as he slid his pistol back into his holster.
            Forester and Schmidt walked into the room and looked at the computers.
            “Forester, the Russians got out this way.” Taylor pointed at the vent shaft.
            “Schmidt, I want you to guard the servers and see if you can give Nevarez a hand.” Forester directed.
            “On it.” Schmidt rushed out of the room.
            “Computers still operational, but I don’t understand why the Russians didn’t use it.” Timmins tapped the keyboard.
            “Perhaps they will be coming back.” Taylor pointed at another computer and it displayed “Keycard Required”.
            “Then we beat them to it.” Forester sat down on a chair.
            “I’ll see what the controls are to shut down the defense.” Timmins looked at some buttons on the wall.
            “Cookson, this is Forester here. Can you and Green come back to the Control Room with the keycard?” Forester requested on the RaidComm.
            “On our way Lieutenant.” Cookson replied.
            “It’s getting hot again.” Schmidt hollered from the other room.
            “Tell me about it.” Nevarez shouted from inside the vent with sweat dripping down his face.
            “I’ve got an auxiliary fan button here.” Timmins looked at an orange button on the wall.
            “Nevarez, get out of the shaft first.” Forester spoke on the RaidComm.
            As Nevarez climbed out of the vent opening, Forester turned to Timmins and nodded. Timmins pressed the button and a panel beside the vent slid open and a new shaft appeared.
            “Auxiliary fans online.” an alarm blared.
            In the new shaft was another stationary fan. As the alarm blared, the fan whirred to life and began to circulate the air.
            “Nice.” Nevarez took out his water bottle and poured some refreshing cold water over his head.
            “Good job Timmins.” Forester complimented.
            “We’re here.” Cookson rushed into the room with Green running after him.
            Taylor took the keycard from Cookson and swiped it on a computer.
            “Access Granted.” the computer spoke.
            “Get the guns offline.” Forester spoke to Taylor as she looked at Cookson and Green.
            “Anything else ma’am?” Green asked.
            “Thank you Lance Corporal, but that will be all. Regroup back with your team and be on the lookout for the Russian soldiers. It seems like there may be a squad here plus the Vladamir you mentioned.” Forester thanked.
            As Cookson and Green exited, Cookson paused at the door and turned his head back.
            “LT, you still need the keycard?” Cookson asked politely.
            “Unfortunately, yes. See if you can find another one to use.” Forester suggested.
            “Ok, no worries.” Cookson nodded and walked off with Green.

Kandahar Air Base, Kandahar, Afghanistan
Fire Team Kilo’s Camp
April 21, 2001
1425 Local Time

            Zyrok sat in his desk as he typed on his computer. He was typing out the events leading up to the discovery of the Secronom Research Facility. Casey walked into Zyrok’s office and gently knocked on the door.
            “Come on in.” Zyrok continued to type.
            “Zyrok, Lieutenant Reid and his men have made their way to the camp.” Casey reported.
            “What’s the progress of Forester and May’s team?” Zyrok asked.
            “They are inside the facility and working on getting the sentry guns offline.” Casey answered.
            “Ok, we’ll send the rest of Jackal and then we can head over there.” Zyrok stood up from his desk.
            “Fire Team Kilo, sir?” Casey raised an eyebrow.
            “Somebody’s got to watch the base. Foo and Pruett will stay behind as well to provide us the necessary transportation.” Zyrok laughed.
            “So…me, you, Frederick, Williams, and Christopher?” Casey summarized.
            “Yeah, that’s sufficient.” Zyrok nodded.
            “Alright Captain, I’ll keep you posted.” Casey saluted.
            “Sergeant Major.” Zyrok saluted and watched Casey exit his office.
            Zyrok walked to a cabinet and opened it. He pulled out a folder and sat in his chair.
            “Level Zulu…where are you?” Zyrok studied a printed map of the Secronom Research Facility.
            Zyrok flipped through the different floor plans. There were rooms and stairwells, but all were marked.
            “Either Level Zulu is a code name for a level or it exists elsewhere.” Zyrok thought.
            “Zyrok, do you copy?” Reid spoke on the RaidComm.
            “Go ahead Reid.” Zyrok replied.
            “I’m passing on the message from Forester that the defenses are offline.” Reid reported.
            “So the sentry guns are out?” Zyrok asked.
            “You can say that sir. They weren’t able to isolate the sentry guns so they shut the whole defense system down.” Reid answered.
            “Ok, thanks Lieutenant. We’re on our way.” Zyrok ended the transmission.
            Zyrok folded the map into his pocket and rushed out of his office to inform his marines of the news.