Saturday, July 23, 2016

Friday, July 1, 2016

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Northern Base Adventures Wikia

Everything you need to know about the Northern Base universe is located here:
Lieutenant Jeff Hawks

Captain Charlie Chu
Lieutenant Adrianna Haverson & Captain Roland Ashfield

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

VC2 Chapter 45-Project Ragnarok

Sector 1400
Planet 1415
December 15, 2052

Rumblelow flew his Talon frigate escorted by his personal guards towards a large Vega facility. The ship bay opened and revealed a massive bulky ship that was under construction. He looked at the workers welding parts together and found a spot to land his ship.
“Vice President, everything is on schedule.” a commander overseeing the construction walked towards Rumblelow as he walked out his ship.
“Excellent commander! That ship is massive!” Rumblelow clapped in satisfaction.
“You are looking at five times the size of a Fury battleship...except it's not a battleship is it sir?” the commander asked.
“A whole new class.” Rumblelow tilted his head up to see the sheer scale of the ship.
“What is it?” the commander asked.
“That's above your pay. Just get it finished early. The President would want it early for testing.” Rumblelow waved him off.
“Understood sir.” the commander saluted and walked off.
Rumblelow walked down a hallway and scanned his eyes on a retinal scanner at the end of the hall. The door hissed open and he entered into the darkness. The door closed shut and a hologram projected a figure seating on the chair with the back to Rumblelow.
“Vice President Betram Rumblelow” the figure greeted.
“Mr. President.” Rumblelow bowed.
“I assume everything is in order?” the figure spoke.
“Yes, Project Ragnarok is a few more weeks from completion. If not, even a bit early sir.” Rumblelow reported his findings.
“Very well. Soon we will have the weapon to crush all those who oppose us. No more freeloaders, rebels, pirates, and thieves.” the figure chuckled with delight.
“Yes Mr. President. We will regain control of this galaxy and bring profits back to the corporation.” Rumblelow nodded in agreement.
“That too, but we will finish what we started on Polaki.” the figure replied.
“Polaki...that's been so long since I heard that.” Rumblelow eyes widened.
“Yes, it has my friend. Yes it has. Now go to the archives and pull up everything we learnt of Polaki.” the figure gave the orders and the hologram transmission ended.
Rumblelow exited the room and walked towards the hangar. He had heard the stories of Polaki, but had never actually been there. Rumour has it that the planet contained secrets to sustaining life, but the research was stopped and the corporation never proceed to further explore the idea.
“Ship's all prepped and ready.” an officer reported as Rumblelow entered the cockpit.
 “We head to HQ now.” Rumblelow told the officer and his personal guards in orbit.

Monday, April 11, 2016

VC2 Chapter 44-The Awakening

Sector 2100
Planet 2101
December 10, 2052
Charlie opened his heavy eyelids and stared at the ceiling.
“Ahh!” Charlie gripped his stomach where he recalled being impaled.
“You're awake! That's good news!” a medical officer rushed into the room.
“What's going on? Where am I?” Charlie tried to sit up.
“Please rest. You were in a coma after your crash.” the officer held Charlie down.
“Coma? What? What day is it?” Charlie blinked in disbelief.
“December 8, 2052 sir. Here have some water.” the officer walked over his desk and poured a cup of water.
“Thanks, get me Owens please. I have debrief him regarding the mission.” Charlie waved his hand.
“I know it's a lot to take in at this time, but Owens is no longer here.” the officer spoke softly.
“What? Huh? No longer here?” Charlie tried to sit up.
“Owens was killed in action last month.” the officer alerted other medical staff nearby.
“What? How could it be?” Charlie raised his voice and tried to leave the bed.
The medical staff quickly went in and held Charlie down.
“Sir, you must rest.” the medical officer grabbed a syringe.
“No, get off me! I must speak to Owens now wherever you are hiding him!” Charlie pushed one medical staff to the ground and tripped on the wires connecting to his body.
The medical staff quickly pinned Charlie to the ground and the officer quickly administered a relaxant into Charlie's arm.
“Take it easy, everything is going to be alright.” the officer pulled out the needle and watched Charlie's eyes close.
The staff quickly lifted Charlie from the ground and placed him back onto the bed.
“What's the commotion?” Paul walked into the room.
“Charlie woke up and had a reality attack.” the officer replied.
“And...?” Paul crossed his arms.
“He got very aggressive and we had to relax him before he hurts himself.” the officer reported.
“That's good news. I'll notify the others.” Paul thanked.
“Yeah, someone has got to tell him what happened with Owens. He seemed to be keen on speaking with Owens.” the officer waved the medical staff to leave the room.
 “I'll let Tarbuck handle that one...” Paul chuckled and left the room to let the officer do his work.

VC2 Chapter 43-Recycling

Sector 2100
Planet 2101
December 4, 2052

The battle had been so big that that there were so much debris floating in the sector. Friendly miners of different organizations had been invited to come harvest the debris field and recycle the parts for reuse.
“His ship is out there somewhere.” Stella watched as Tassos scanned the debris field for signs of life.
“I must find him. He was like a brother to me.” Tassos looked on.
“I know...” Stella placed her hand on Tassos' shoulders to comfort him.
Tassos sighed as he sat down to face reality. He removed his Spartan helmet and looked at it.
“Another great warrior has fallen.” Tassos stood up and looked at his crew.
The crew turned to look at their leader.
“We shall honour the sacrifices many have made so that peace can continue.” Tassos placed his helmet beside his hip.
The crew removed their Spartan helmets and did the same. Tassos closed his eyes to remember his friend.
“Thank you.” Tassos whispered and turned to look at his wife.
“Let us go home now dear.” Stella held his hand.
“Stop scanning. We go home now.” Tassos transmitted to his fleet.

* * *

“Hell of a battle Irene.” Papagiannis patted his sister's back.
“Very impressive indeed.” McClelland clapped as he presented Irene with a combat medal.
Natalia also received a medal and hugged Irene once she got off the stage.
“Our first medals.” Natalia squealed with joy as she examined her shiny medal.
“Now I know the price of getting a's hard.” Irene remembered the intensity of the battle and tried to take the image out of her head.
“Yes it is.” Papagiannis replied sensing discomfort from Irene's voice.
“I don't know if I want to be part of this.” Irene looked at her feet.
“Part of what?” Natalia asked.
“The war...the killings.” Irene spoke softly.
“We had to do what's necessary. We got attacked...and we defended ourselves.” Papagiannis chose his words carefully.
“Yeah, but the others weren't so fortunate.” Irene sighed.
“It's a price we all pay for freedom and peace.” Papagiannis placed his hand on Irene's shoulder and looked her straight in the eye.

 “I understand.” Irene nodded.

VC2 Chapter 42-Automation

Sector 2100
Planet 2105
December 3, 2052

Joel rushed towards his command centre and hailed Jake on the comms.
“What is this sorcery? I thought you said that they were weak and unorganized.” Joel clenched his fist and smashed at the desk.
“They were. I didn't know they had some super alliance or something.” Jake replied cooly.
“Well, it's costly. Do you know how many ships I have to send on auto to protect my base?” Joel watched as another fleet of cruisers lift off from his ship bay and head towards the protective barrier.
“Hey, I'm still out here fighting.” Jake ended the comms.
“God damn it! No one messes with Lord Cyber Joel!” Joel watched as the mass driver rounds slammed into his ships barrier.
“Alert! Ship bay under attack!” the alarm sounded in the command centre.
Joel watched as MYRM ships began hammering his ship bay with lasers. He knew if he ordered his ships to attack the ships attacking his bay, there would be no reinforcements for his command centre making it vulnerable to the destroyers.
“Alert! Ship bay under attack” the alarm sounded.
“Move ships to protect the bay. I need to get off his base.” Joel shouted at a nearby officer.
“Yes Lord Joel.” the officer nodded and began relaying commands.
Joel ran as fast as he could to a new Nighthawk still awaiting a paintjob and turned on its engines. He watched as a new wave of cruiser begin to take off and timed it so that he left the bay at the same time covering his ship from enemy fire.
“How dare they challenge my wealth!” Joel cried as the mass driver rounds finally got through the barrier and slammed into the bridge.
Explosions ripped through the towers and the centre began to tear in half.
“Screw you Jake. You are a dead man after this.” Joel watched as all his ships turn off upon the destruction of his command centre.
Joel quickly flew away from the battlefield and warped out of the area. It was a matter of time when the rest of the GG members realized that their almighty lord's base had been destroyed and had retreated into their bases and relocated their bases out.
“Well shit...” Jake watched as he was left in the battlefield with his base already destroyed by another MYRM fleet.

 Jake quickly warped out of the battlefield leaving peace behind for the member of Star Alliance. Now he was a hunted man in the galaxies with a large bounty on his head.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

VC2 Chapter 41-Lord Cyber Joel

Sector 2100
Planet 2105
December 3, 2052

“Bow down to me and I may have mercy on you.” Joel broadcasted as his ships assaulted Tassos' fleet.
“You are crazy.” Tassos laughed.
“You are no match for my ships.” Joel watched as one by one MYRM ships get destroyed by his massive fleet.
“You are no match for our skills.” Dmitris flew above him Joel's ship and dodged the weapons.
“I am Lord Cyber Joel, the almighty. I shall deliver your fate today!” Joel smashed his console as Dmitris did another bombing run aboard his ship.
“You are delusional Joel.” Tassos counted Joel's ships and waved at an officer.
“Sir?” the officer approached Tassos.
“Call in strike package Alpha Romeo Tango.” Tassos ordered.
Joel watched as Dimitris began to line up for another bombing run and quickly moved his ship upwards. The quick upwards motion resulted in Dimitris smashing his frigate into Joel's shields and breaking in half.
“Dimitris!” Tassos watched in horror as Dimitris' Nighthawk drifted dead into space.
“He has met his maker.” Joel laughed.
“You will die now!” Tassos watched as the officer gave him the thumbs up indicating the arrival of the strike.
Tassos flew his ships in reverse and revealed a line of Trident destroyers with their guns aimed at Joel's flagship.
“Oh shit.” Joel watched as the destroyers fired their mass drivers.
Joel quickly ordered his nearby ships to shield his ship as he retreated to his base. The ships covered Joel's retreat were pierced with massive holes and immediately lost their hull integrity. The ships exploded and revealed no crew onboard.
“All AI ships.” Tassos muttered to himself as he decided to change his battle strategy.
Joel landed his ship into his base while ten more Revelation cruisers flew out to cover him.
“Focus fire on Joel's command centre. We destroy it, all the AI ships will go.” Tassos pointed at the Joel's base of operations.
The destroyers turned to adjust their field of fire and unleashed a rainstorm of projectiles towards the command centre. Joel was not a simple man, he saw Tassos' strategy and immediately directed his cruisers to form a barrier to tank the incoming long-range strike.
“We got to take out the fleet bay so he can't launch any more ships.” Tassos shouted.
“We will do what we can.” Conrad replied as he watched another wave of ships leave the bay and head to fortify the barrier.

 “Keep firing!” Tassos commanded the destroyers as he began to increase forward thrusters to assist Conrad's fleet.

VC2 Chapter 40-Rookies

Sector 2100
Planet 2101
December 3, 2052

Natalia flew her Rancor battleship fleet alongside Irene's Exodus cruisers. Many other new recruits joined in the formation. Most had little to none experience, but the duty called to them. With their medium attack ships, it served as a distraction so that the experienced pilots could move in and make the strike.
“Alright folks. I'm not going to lie about this, but a lot of people are going to die. My job is ensure you guys come home alive.” McClelland flew his Revelation fleet in front of the rookies' formation.
“That sounds great...” Irene replied sarcastically eyeing her ships and the enemies.
“They may have the tech and firepower, but we got the piloting skills. Remember your training.” McClelland began to make the take charge.
“You ready?” Natalia looked at Irene's ship.
“Yeah, let's do it.” Irene pushed her thrusters forward following McClelland's lead.
McClelland lead the team towards a weaker side of the battle and immediately started engaging the nearest enemy. The first wave of medium ships that entered the battle and were immediately destroyed by the shower of lasers, projectiles, and explosives.
“Keep going forward!” McClelland turned his cruiser sideways to block the incoming fire directed the the recruits.
“They are too strong!” Natalia fired her broadside scatter missiles and watched as the enemy shields absorb it all.
“Break formation. Swarm them on all sides so they can't concentrate their firepower.” McClelland watched as his ship sensors flashed indicating the low shield strength on his ship.
The cluster of NB ships broke apart and became a total mess in the space making the enemy firing randomly into space as it attempted to find a target lock.
“McClelland here, we're swarming the space and the enemy is distracted. Go to next operation.” McClelland broadcasted on the Star Alliance comms.
“Renegade Gold Squad coming in hot.” an old man replied.
The space behind McClelland began to warp as RNG cruisers warped into the empty space. Twenty Revelation cruisers armed with thermal beams began to fly past McClelland's fleet and started firing at the distracted ships. The thermal beams fired in unison locking to one specific ship at a time. With the combined firepower of the high power thermal beam weaponry, the shields vaporized in an instant and the hull took significant damages from the medium attack ships' mixed weaponry.
“Oh yeah!” Irene cheered as she laid waste to a shieldless cruiser creating holes in its hull.
“Renegade Gold Squad advancing to next mark.” the old man lead his squad forward into a more intensified battlefield.

 “Let's swarm the next line.” McClelland commanded as he steered his battle-charred ship in hot pursuit behind the RNG fleet.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

VC2 Chapter 39-Brute Force

Sector 2100
Planet 2105
December 3, 2052
“Fire all weapons!” Tassos shouted as his Revelation cruisers were in range of the GG's base.
The base defences began firing its plasma guns, but were easily dodged due to its wide spread. A fleet of Talon frigates took off from one of the bases and began flying towards them to flank.
“Dimitris, get you fleet and cover my basing fleet.” Tassos shouted as his ships began laying waste to everything in its site.
Mining modules exploded which subsequently resulted in a chain reaction of explosions ripping through the first GG base. As Tassos' ships got closer to the command centre of the base, the laser turrets began charging up and firing steady streams of hard light.
“Rush in and focus all firepower at the command centre!” Tassos watched as his ship's shields absorbed the lasers.
One of Tassos' cruiser flew too close to a laser turret and was quickly taken out by the quick firing turret. The remaining ships blasted their weapons on the command centre and lit it up with a mixture of lasers and explosives. The centre exploded and wiped out everything on that was connected to it.
“Good job Tassos!” Dimitris congratulated as he was busy chasing down the Talon frigates with his Nighthawk.
“Next one.” Tassos pointed at a base adjacent to the destroyed base.
“That one is the GG leader's base.” Dimitris replied.
“Even better!” Tassos smiled as he pressed on forward.
Two dozen Revelation cruisers lifted off the base and headed towards Tassos' basing fleet. It was clearly no match with what Tassos had.
“Conrad, I need help.” Tassos broadcasted.
“Breaking off formation. I'm on my way!” Conrad replied back as a fleet of Revelation cruisers flew up behind Tassos.
Conrad's cruisers clashed with Joel's ships, but were no match for the skilled MYRM pilot. Outnumbered and outgunned, Conrad was able to fight the take on the fleet with a two to one ratio disadvantage purely based on skill.
“We got this Tassos. Go kill his base.” Conrad steered his ship sideways to make way for Tassos' advance.
“Got your six.” Dimitris reduced his ships speed and matched it with Tassos' ships.
“More enemy ships launching off the base!” an officer alerted Tassos as his radar alerted him.
Another two dozen Revelation cruisers lifted off from the base and advanced towards him. Before Tassos could comment what to do, two dozen of Fury battleships took off from the base and formed a defensive line.
“Holy shit. How many ships does this guy have?” Tassos halted his advance knowing that they were extremely outnumbered.

 “Behold Lord Cyber Joel!” Joel transmitted on the comms proudly.

VC2 Chapter 38-Cannon Fodder

Sector 2100
Planet 2101
December 3, 2052

Antonopoulos lead his Venom battleship battalion towards the front lines where a spectacular battle was ongoing. The MYRM already had a significant fleet on the outskirts pushing inwards towards the GG bases.
“Alright, rush into the battlefield and fire both broadside weapons!” Antonopoulos commanded his crew.
“Sir, since they are all automated and not manually piloted, it's going to be cannon fodder quickly.” an officer expressed his concerns.
“That's what it's used for. Battle of attrition with minimal human casualties.” Antonopoulos watched as a fleet dispatched from his battalion and rushed towards the GG cluster of ships.
The lead Venom took a heavy beating as it charged forward. It was quickly destroyed without even firing a single shot.
“Lead battleship down!” the officer reported.
“Send all automated units in simultaneously!” Antonopoulos ordered as another ship of his died before firing.
“Rushing all fleet!” the officer acknowledged and quickly typed the command into his computer.
In a matter of minutes, a huge portion of the battalion had split off and headed towards the conflict and overwhelmed the GG's front line defences. An array of projectiles spewed out from the broadside weapons firing magnetized phased rounds. The shield-bypassing projectiles make quick work on the nearby ships dealing devastating rounds.
“It's working!” the officer cheered as the first line was cleared.
“It won't last long. The Venoms were intended to clear the first line so the heavier ships can advance.” Antonopoulos watched as his automated Venoms began to break apart one by one as the GG's Revelation cruisers advanced.
“This is Captain Antonopoulos, we need heavy ships to move forward on our mark. Our fleets cleared the first line, now it's up to someone to clear the next one.” Antonopoulos broadcasted on the Star Alliance allied comm channel.
“Copy Captain Antonopoulos, RNG Silver Squad enroute with Revelation cruisers.” an man replied back.
“Captain Wicker, read you loud and clear. On the way with Nighthawks.” Wicker answered.
Antonopoulos watched as a fleet of Revelation cruisers flew over his ship and headed towards his battered Venoms in the distance.
“I can't believe it worked.” Wicker flew a squadron of Nighthawks beside the RNG cruisers as he watched the automated Venom continue to lay suppressive fire.
“Trust me man.” Antonopoulos laughed as he watched the RNG cruisers clash with the GG cruisers.

 “Flanking!” Wicker gracefully steered his frigate over the enemy ships and fired.

VC2 Chapter 37-Return of the Spartans

Sector 2100
Planet 2118
December 3, 2052

An middle-aged man rubbed his brown stubble as he looked at the hologram of Paul on his office table.
“Tassos Anastasios. NB is under attack by the Galactic Gangsters. The time has come for the Star Alliance Contingency Plan.” Paul addressed the situation.
“We will help NB anytime they require it. It is necessary for the activation of this plan? We never actually tested it out.” Tassos replied.
“We have no choice. We are outnumbered and this was Charlie's plan in the event of a massive enemy NB can not defeat alone.” Paul explained.
“Charlie, how is he?” Tassos expressed his concerns.
“He is still unconscious and I'm sure he needs your help.” Paul answered.
“Okay. The Myrmidons will come help NB. Charlie was there for me when I was near death. I will pay it back personally.” Tassos nodded and shut off the hologram and touched his chest as he reminded himself of his near death experience.
Tassos pressed a button on his table and a small buzzer sounded. A tall dark-haired man with markings of a commodore appeared at his office door.
“Dimitris, get everyone and their combat fleets ready. We are going to war.” Tassos walked to the back of the wall where a Greek Spartan helmet was placed alongside his family photos.
“Everyone Tassos?” Dimitris watched as Tassos picked up the helmet.
“Everyone. We go help NB.” Tassos blew dust off the helmet and felt the coldness of the metal.
“Ok, I will get everyone.” Dimitris nodded and rushed off.
Tassos looked at the dents and scratches on the helmet. It had been passed onto him by his ancestors before him. Only in times of great battles, Tassos had worn the helmet staying true to his heritage and traditions. Now it seemed like the time has come yet again for him to answer the call.
“Going to war?” a female voice spoke behind him.
A tall stunning blonde greeted Tassos with a smile as she placed her hands around Tassos' waist.
“Stella...” Tassos looked at his wife.
“I know.” Stella looked at the helmet and then back at Tassos.
“Then you know it's something important that I must do.” Tassos spoke softly.
“I know. Make us proud.” Stella kissed Tassos on the lips.
“Us?” Tassos stared deeply into Stella's eyes.
“Us...” Stella rubbed her belly.
“Oh my goodness.” Tassos crouched down and placed his head against her stomach.
“We will be waiting for you.” Stella stroked Tassos' brown curly hair.

 “We will be back.” Tassos stood up and then placed the helmet onto his head and briskly walked out.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

VC2 Chapter 36-Contingency Plans

Sector 2100
Planet 2101
December 3, 2052

Tarbuck rushed into a room full of senior officers and some officers in holograms talking very fast and unorganized.
“What the hell is going on?” Tarbuck shouted over the talking.
The noise quickly died down as Tarbuck made his appearance.
“It's Jake man. He's back, but with a bigger army.” Paul was the first to speak breaking the silence.
“CMD is back? Someone update me now!” Tarbuck sat in his chair.
“Nah man, the kid got kicked out of CMD and joined GG.” Antonopoulos spoke calmly.
“GG? Who's GG?” Tarbuck was annoyed with the abbreviations.
“Galactic Gangsters sir. We're screwed!” an officer in hologram replied.
“No we're not. We've beat folks before and we will continue to do so. Whoever GG is, they are going to taste our medicine.” Tarbuck removed his datapad from his belt and linked it up with the table.
“Sir?” Jaimes raised an eyebrow.
“We're activating our NB Star Alliance Contingency Plan.” Tarbuck pressed some buttons on the table.
“Star Alliance Contingency Plan...what is that?” Papagiannis whispered to Wicker.
“Something that was written up by Charlie as an idea of unifying forces of like minds in the event of a major battle.” Wicker whispered.
“Holy shit. How come he never talked about it?” Papagiannis jaw dropped as Tarbuck activated a hologram of listed allies in Star Alliance.
“Because he's still in a coma? Shhh, let the man do his thing.” Antonopoulos spoke to Papagiannis from behind urging him to keep his voice down.
“Our nearest allies in this sector are EH, RNG, and MYRM. We'll contact them first as they are our fastest responders.” Tarbuck scaled down his list.
“Contacting them now.” Paul volunteered as he headed to his computer.
“Gear up and suit up everyone. Lockdown your bases and get every single ship fired up. It's going to be epic battle.” Tarbuck clapped his hands together as he disconnected his datapad from the table.
“I guess it's time for me to test my newly refitted ships.” Antonopoulos nudged Wicker and grinned mischievously.
“We'll see. I'll be busy tallying my kill count than testing new ships.” Wicker wicked and rushed off.
“Chris, does that mean us too?” Irene walked up and looked at her brother.
“Yes Irene. Northern Base is under attack. We must defend our home. Be careful out there.” Papagiannis placed his hand on her shoulder.
“We will. Let's go Natalia.” Irene nodded and waved at Natalia who was also talking to Kraweic.

 “Let's go kick some ass!” Natalia gave the thumbs up and hurried off with Irene.

VC2 Chapter 35-Darkness Returns

Sector 2100
Planet 2105
December 3, 2052

McClelland patrolled his fleet on the outer sector of the Northern quadrant monitoring fleet activities and ensuring peace is kept.
“Good day Captain McClelland.” a man greeted on the comms as his cargo ships took off form his base and headed to the other planets.
“What's cooking McClelland?” Watts warped into the space in front of him ferrying resources.
“Not much really interesting.” McClelland replied.
“Well, you know what they say? No news is good news.” Watts laughed as his ships flew out of view.
“Suppose so. Have a nice one Watts.” McClelland chuckled and continued monitoring fleet movement.
“Don't miss me too much chap.” Watts joked.
McClelland got off his command chair and pointed at a nearby officer to take his duty.
“Understood sir.” the officer nodded in acknowledgement.
McClelland stretched his arms and went towards his quarters and brew himself some coffee. He walked to his desk and grabbed his empty mug on the table and headed to the coffee maker when suddenly the alarm sounded throughout the ship.
“Unidentified bases warping to planet 2105! Repeat, unidentified bases warping into planet 2105!” the announcement sounded.
McClelland turned his head to look out the window at the nearby planet when dozens of big bases began warping into its orbit. After the bases warped in, hundreds of ships flew out of their ships bays and began firing at everything in space.
“Shit...” McClelland dropped his mug to the shattering it to pieces as he watched a barrage of missiles heading towards him.
McClelland rushed out of his quarters and sprinted to the bridge. The officer in command had already saw incoming missiles and immediately ascended the ships upwards dodging the barrage.
“Sir, we need to call for immediate backup!” the officer shouted as he gave command of the ship to McClelland.
“Heavy casualties on planet 2105. Hundred civilian casualties and still rising.” an officer alerted as he looked at the devastation.
McClelland piloted his ships away from 2105 and headed into the open space.
“Sir? What are we doing?” an officer aboard another NB ship asked McClelland.
“We are clearly outnumbered ten to one. We need to retreat to HQ and save all our ships. We'll take the longer way home.” McClelland broadcasted to his ships in space.
“Copy sir.” the officer replied and quickly followed McClelland's lead.
“Guess who's back bitches.” Jake spoke on the comms on an open channel.
“Who?” a civilian replied on the channel.

 “It's me Jake of Galactic Gangsters!” Jake laughed hysterically.

VC2 Chapter 34-Gone Rogue

Sector 2100
Planet 2115
December 1, 2052

Wicker watched as Olsen fired his Mass Drivers on his ships and flew todays him. Thankfully they were only phased projectiles allowing him to dodge the incoming rounds.
“What the hell!” Wicker swooped his Talon downwards and watched as the rounds smashed into the base behind him.
“I warned you.” Olsen scoffed.
“You leave me no choice.” Wicker aimed his weapons at a nearby Fury battleship and fired.
Wicker's pulse lasers smashed into the Fury's shields and get absorbed dealing insignificant damage.
“I'll be coming for you base next scrub.” Olsen turned directed all his ships weapons on Wicker's ship and fire.
A barrage of projectiles slowly flew towards Wicker, but was easily dodged due to the slow rounds.
“You are lucky these are basing fleets. Now I come for your base.” Olsen turned his ships around and began heading home.
“No you are not.” Jaimes spoke up in the comms as he fired his weapons at Olsen's ship.
“My ships are designed to take a beating from fire. Have at it.” Olsen laughed as Jaimes weapons barely lowered his shield strength.
Wicker noticed in the distant that there were three Revelation cruisers spectating in the distance. As Olsen continued to make his way back, the ships became more visible and the markings of the ship painted “NB”.
“Commander Stanley Olsen. You are hereby kicked out of the NB group for violations of the NB rules.” Paul broadcasted.
“You can't kick me. It's not your call.” Olsen replied as he passed the cruisers.
“You're right. But attempting to kill Captain Wicker is inexcusable and subject to immediate expulsion. You are lucky we are not killing you on the spot.” Paul pointed out and directed his weapons at Olsen's main ship.
“Screw that shit. I'm done. I'm leaving anyways.” Olsen shook his head in disbelief.
“Yeah, you better not hit my base...or I will act what I must to defend myself.” Wicker interrupted.
“Do what the man says. We give you the chance to leave quietly.” Paul ordered.

 “ are all wasting my time here. See you later suckers.” Olsen changed his ships' course and set the course for home.