Saturday, April 9, 2016

VC2 Chapter 39-Brute Force

Sector 2100
Planet 2105
December 3, 2052
“Fire all weapons!” Tassos shouted as his Revelation cruisers were in range of the GG's base.
The base defences began firing its plasma guns, but were easily dodged due to its wide spread. A fleet of Talon frigates took off from one of the bases and began flying towards them to flank.
“Dimitris, get you fleet and cover my basing fleet.” Tassos shouted as his ships began laying waste to everything in its site.
Mining modules exploded which subsequently resulted in a chain reaction of explosions ripping through the first GG base. As Tassos' ships got closer to the command centre of the base, the laser turrets began charging up and firing steady streams of hard light.
“Rush in and focus all firepower at the command centre!” Tassos watched as his ship's shields absorbed the lasers.
One of Tassos' cruiser flew too close to a laser turret and was quickly taken out by the quick firing turret. The remaining ships blasted their weapons on the command centre and lit it up with a mixture of lasers and explosives. The centre exploded and wiped out everything on that was connected to it.
“Good job Tassos!” Dimitris congratulated as he was busy chasing down the Talon frigates with his Nighthawk.
“Next one.” Tassos pointed at a base adjacent to the destroyed base.
“That one is the GG leader's base.” Dimitris replied.
“Even better!” Tassos smiled as he pressed on forward.
Two dozen Revelation cruisers lifted off the base and headed towards Tassos' basing fleet. It was clearly no match with what Tassos had.
“Conrad, I need help.” Tassos broadcasted.
“Breaking off formation. I'm on my way!” Conrad replied back as a fleet of Revelation cruisers flew up behind Tassos.
Conrad's cruisers clashed with Joel's ships, but were no match for the skilled MYRM pilot. Outnumbered and outgunned, Conrad was able to fight the take on the fleet with a two to one ratio disadvantage purely based on skill.
“We got this Tassos. Go kill his base.” Conrad steered his ship sideways to make way for Tassos' advance.
“Got your six.” Dimitris reduced his ships speed and matched it with Tassos' ships.
“More enemy ships launching off the base!” an officer alerted Tassos as his radar alerted him.
Another two dozen Revelation cruisers lifted off from the base and advanced towards him. Before Tassos could comment what to do, two dozen of Fury battleships took off from the base and formed a defensive line.
“Holy shit. How many ships does this guy have?” Tassos halted his advance knowing that they were extremely outnumbered.

 “Behold Lord Cyber Joel!” Joel transmitted on the comms proudly.

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