Wednesday, April 6, 2016

VC2 Chapter 31-Ascended

Sector 2100
Planet 2101
November 30, 2052

A big asian man with black hair buttoned his NB dress shirt as he looked in the mirror. He inspected the markings on his shirt of a Commodore and straightened his name tag labelled “Wesley Paul”.
“Today's the day.” Paul took a deep breath and exhaled.
“Commodore Paul, we're ready in five.” an officer knocked on his door.
“Alright, got it. Thanks.” Paul nodded and then grabbed his officer's cap.
As Paul walked down the corridor escorted by ceremonial guards, he couldn't help but think the burden everyone has to endure with Owen's death and Charlie's current coma status. Rear Admiral Richard Tarbuck has now taken the place in NB as Vice Admiral and now it was his turn to take his position as Rear Admiral.
“Congrats.” a soldier saluted as Paul walked pass him.
“Thanks.” Paul saluted back.
As Paul walked into the meeting room, he was immediately greeted by Captain Wicker and Captain McClelland. Tarbuck was busy giving out a service medal to some officers and then waved at Paul to come over once he was done.
“Alright ladies and gents. On behalf of Northern Base, I hereby promote Wesley Paul to Rear Admiral.” Tarbuck clapped as Paul took the stage.
Captain Antonopoulos walked to the stage and presented the rank pin and new attire to Tarbuck.
“For continued service and loyalty to NB, we are honoured to have you continuous support.” Tarbuck took the items from Antonopoulos and handed it over to Paul's welcoming arms.
“Thanks pal.” Paul shook Tarbuck's hand and then Antonopoulos'.
Paul turned to face the crowd of senior officers applauding him and looked at the microphone.
“Thank you all for your support. I will continue to offer my support to NB any way I can.” Paul waved.
Paul walked off the stage and Tarbuck took the microphone to end the meeting.
“Suits you.” Antonopoulos patted Paul on the back and left.
“Congrats.” a Caucasian man with a moustache approached Paul and shook his hand.
“Thanks Commander Jaimes. Next time will be you.” Paul winked.
“Haha we shall see.” Jaimes laughed and walked off.
“Count on it.” Paul shouted at the distant Jaimes.
Jaimes smiled and gave a thumbs up instead of hollering over a bunch of people.
“Come Paul. Come walk with me.” Tarbuck placed his arm around Paul's shoulders and whispered.
“Yes?” Paul raised an eyebrow.

 “Privately. We have a disturbance within the ranks.” Tarbuck whispered into Paul's ear and slowly walked out of the room waiting for Paul to follow.

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