Friday, October 9, 2015

VC2 Chapter 23-War Preparations

Sector 2100
Planet 2101
November 19, 2052

Tarbuck was seated in a roundtable full of NB senior officers. He looked agitated as Owens walked into the room and took his seat.
“I've called upon an emergency meeting to discuss the hostile actions CMD has brought to the neighbouring sectors.” Owens spoke cooly.
“Hostile? Mate, I'd use the word aggressive! Have you see the devastation firsthand?” Tarbuck interrupted angrily.
“I have...” Owens eyed Tarbuck sharply.
“Bloody hell! Well are we going to do something?” Tarbuck flustered.
“Let the man finish.” Wicker couldn't hold back his annoyance with the interrupts.
“Thank you.” Owens nodded at Wicker in appreciation.
Owens placed his datapad onto the table and linked up to the hologram projector. A hologram appeared on the counter of a base being attacked.
“They've annihilated over a dozen bases so far. It's only a matter of time they run out of targets and aim for us.” Owens watched as the base exploded.
“What about the Myrmidons?” Antonopoulos suggested.
“They are ready to fight.” Owens replied.
“I hate to bring the bearer of bad news...but have you guys seen their fleet? It's massive!” Stein interjected.
“I'm well aware of that. I know I'm not Charlie and not able to pull out new tricks like he does, but I do have a plan.” Owens tapped on his datapad.
“VEGA coming to help?” McClelland inquired as he rubbed his chin.
“This is not their fight so we're counting them out. Elysium Hornets will be joining our cause.” Owens projected another image.
“Elysium Hornet?” Tarbuck looked at the logo projection.
“Yes. They will come to assist if war breaks out upon NB.” Owens watched as the logo rotate clockwise.
“Question.” Wicker raised his hand.
“Shoot.” Owens responded as he disconnected his datapad.
“What are the chances they bring reinforcements?” Wicker folded his arms.
“Probable, but we have analyzed the possibilities. We should be able to do fine.” Owens answered.
Owens looked around the table for any more questions and then stood up.

 “Then it's settled. Get your fleets and defences ready. Dismissed.” Owens took his datapad and walked off.