Tuesday, July 7, 2015

VC2 Chapter 17-The Regulators

Sector 2100
Planet 2101
November 1, 2052

Sir, I’m here to report that Commander Parks is no longer in the VEGA corporation.” a VEGA Captain spoke to Charlie on the hologram on his desk.
What do you mean she’s no longer in the corporation?” Charlie crossed his arms and asked menacingly.
She no longer works for us.” the Captain replied coolly.
Do you know any reason?” Charlie looked suspicious.
Not that I know of sir. All that the records indicated were that it was done on her own choice.” the Captain looked at his datapad.
Ok thank you Captain.” Charlie frowned as he shut off the transmission.
Charlie grabbed the phone on his desk and dialed some numbers.
Contact The Regulators. I want a team to do black ops.” Charlie spoke into the phone.
Charlie nodded as he paused to listen and typed on his computer.
Yes, I’ll be authenticating this shortly. Standby for electronic submission.” Charlie looked at his computer and keyed in some letters.

* * *

As McClelland was walking down the corridor to the Mess Hall when his datapad on his belt beeped to alert him. He looked at it and smiled.
“Finally a mission to get out of this boring place.” McClelland thought to himself.
“You got it too?” Papagiannis walked past him as he also flashed his datapad.
“Same mission?” McClelland asked.
“Black Ops?” Papagiannis winked.
“See you at briefing room then.” McClelland walked off.
McClelland walked past the Mess Hall and glanced at Tarbuck talking to a group of people.
“Man it sucks that Captain Du Preez is gone.” a Sergeant spoke out loud.
“Well, he is and I don't expect him to be back.” Tarbuck replied.
“Admiral, had it been me in his place? I would've stayed with NB. Too many friends here.” the Sergeant patted his buddies.
“Aww shucks Sarge. You're such a liar.” a Corporal laughed.
“Sucking up to the Admiral now?” another Sergeant interrupted.
“Oh come on, it's only fair that I take the vacant spot as a Captain.” the Sergeant winked.
McClelland chuckled to himself as he listened to their conversation. He grabbed a bottle of water and left the room.

 “What's next after this Black Ops? Locate Du Preez the defector?” McClelland thought to himself.