Thursday, April 7, 2016

VC2 Chapter 33-Espionage

Sector 2100
Planet 2116
December 1, 2052

Wicker flew his Talon frigate towards Jaime's Talon frigate flying in orbit next to the brown gaseous planet.
“Glad you made it in time.” Jaimes transmitted.
“Sorry I'm late. Antonopoulos was showing me his progress on his venoms. Still skeptical of how they fare in combat. Nonetheless, what did I miss?” Wicker spoke to his comms.
“Just waiting for Olsen to near the targeted planet.” Jaimes replied.
“Any luck?” Wicker looked at the empty space.
“Before you arrived, there were some local folks flying around. They seemed to be scared when they saw the NB on my ship in this area.” Jaimes pointed at the planet.
“That's not good. I mean we're supposed to be the good guys right?” Wicker crossed his arms at the devastation Olsen had done to NB.
“Oh snap! Here he comes!” Jaimes watched as five Fury battleships became visible in the distant space heading towards planet 2115.
“Quick! Use this planet for cover so we won't get spotted.” Wicker took over the controls of his ship and quickly strafed to the side into the planet's shadow.
Jaimes reacted quickly enough and out of the Fury battleships' view into the planet's shadow. Olsen's fleet arrived at planet 2115 and began firing at the local mining bases.
“What the hell?” Jaimes watched angrily.
“Unprovoked attack and raiding the bases for resources.” Wicker watched his battle screen with long range scanners.
“We need to go and stop him now!” Jaimes turned on his engines.
“As much as I have to say this, we are here to collect evidence and bring it to Paul. If we act now, his fleets would wipe us out if he wanted to.” Wicker reasoned.
“Are you serious? Innocent people are being slaughtered!” Jaimes clenched his fists.
“You're right. Screw the mission objective. We have to protect them.” Wicker activated his engines.
“Let me call for backup!” Jaimes switched comms changes and began contacting for assistance.
Wicker had already began speeding towards the battle with Jaimes' in the chase.
“What the hell are you doing Commander Olsen?” Wicker transmitted to Olsen's ships.
“Dude hit my supply ships. I'm taking back what's mine.” Olsen replied withing ceasing fire on the fiery base.
“I'm telling you to stand down now!” Wicker shouted as he flew his Talon closer towards Olsen' main ship.
“I only listen to Charlie. Now get out of my way.” Olsen steered his ship and continued firing.
“Bullshit! You are hitting them because you have nothing better to do. We know what you are doing Olsen. Stop this madness now!” Wicker flew his frigate into the line of fire and charged his weapons.

 “No.” Olsen replied and fired his weapons.

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