Thursday, April 7, 2016

VC2 Chapter 36-Contingency Plans

Sector 2100
Planet 2101
December 3, 2052

Tarbuck rushed into a room full of senior officers and some officers in holograms talking very fast and unorganized.
“What the hell is going on?” Tarbuck shouted over the talking.
The noise quickly died down as Tarbuck made his appearance.
“It's Jake man. He's back, but with a bigger army.” Paul was the first to speak breaking the silence.
“CMD is back? Someone update me now!” Tarbuck sat in his chair.
“Nah man, the kid got kicked out of CMD and joined GG.” Antonopoulos spoke calmly.
“GG? Who's GG?” Tarbuck was annoyed with the abbreviations.
“Galactic Gangsters sir. We're screwed!” an officer in hologram replied.
“No we're not. We've beat folks before and we will continue to do so. Whoever GG is, they are going to taste our medicine.” Tarbuck removed his datapad from his belt and linked it up with the table.
“Sir?” Jaimes raised an eyebrow.
“We're activating our NB Star Alliance Contingency Plan.” Tarbuck pressed some buttons on the table.
“Star Alliance Contingency Plan...what is that?” Papagiannis whispered to Wicker.
“Something that was written up by Charlie as an idea of unifying forces of like minds in the event of a major battle.” Wicker whispered.
“Holy shit. How come he never talked about it?” Papagiannis jaw dropped as Tarbuck activated a hologram of listed allies in Star Alliance.
“Because he's still in a coma? Shhh, let the man do his thing.” Antonopoulos spoke to Papagiannis from behind urging him to keep his voice down.
“Our nearest allies in this sector are EH, RNG, and MYRM. We'll contact them first as they are our fastest responders.” Tarbuck scaled down his list.
“Contacting them now.” Paul volunteered as he headed to his computer.
“Gear up and suit up everyone. Lockdown your bases and get every single ship fired up. It's going to be epic battle.” Tarbuck clapped his hands together as he disconnected his datapad from the table.
“I guess it's time for me to test my newly refitted ships.” Antonopoulos nudged Wicker and grinned mischievously.
“We'll see. I'll be busy tallying my kill count than testing new ships.” Wicker wicked and rushed off.
“Chris, does that mean us too?” Irene walked up and looked at her brother.
“Yes Irene. Northern Base is under attack. We must defend our home. Be careful out there.” Papagiannis placed his hand on her shoulder.
“We will. Let's go Natalia.” Irene nodded and waved at Natalia who was also talking to Kraweic.

 “Let's go kick some ass!” Natalia gave the thumbs up and hurried off with Irene.

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