Monday, April 1, 2013

UNSCDF3 Chapter 7- Airlift

Downtown Kandahar, Kandahar, Afghanistan
521 Apartments
May 10, 2001
1630 Local Time

            “Zyrok?” Sarah asked.
            Zyrok snapped out of his trance and he looked at the girl. Her blue eyes glistened as she looked upset.
            “Yes…Sarah?” Zyrok stumbled on the words.
            “Don’t leave.” Sarah pleaded.
            “Sarah, it’s too dangerous out there especially if I’m heading to the embassy.” Zyrok cautioned.
            “I can fight.” Sarah picked up the golf club on the ground stubbornly.
            “No, I’m not going to let you.” Zyrok grabbed the club from Sarah’s hands.
            “Why?” Sarah complained.
            “I don’t want to lose you…not this time.” Zyrok spoke with a sigh.
            Even though the girl was little and her name was Sarah, Zyrok’s past haunted him. He wasn’t going to let any Sarah in danger or come close to death. Even if she wasn’t the real Sarah, he wanted to make sure she was safe.
            “I’m scared.” Sarah looked into Zyrok’s eyes.
            “Oh, alright you can come. But when I see danger, you must listen okay?” Zyrok spoke seriously.
            “Okay.” Sarah nodded.
            “Then you need this back.” Zyrok handed the golf club back to Sarah.
            “Thank you.” Sarah played with the club.
            “Come on, let’s come.” Zyrok pointed at the door.
            Zyrok approached the barricaded door with his kukri ready in hand. Sarah ran to a wall and picked up a small backpack with a British flag imprinted on the back. Slowly and carefully, Zyrok removed the tables and chairs before unlocking the door.
            “Stay close.” Zyrok whispered and glanced at Sarah firmly holding her golf club.
            In a fluid motion, Zyrok opened the door and stuck his head out to see the halls. There were no zombies in view and he waved his hand at Sarah.
            “We’re going directly to the streets.” Zyrok pointed downwards.
            Sarah nodded and followed Zyrok down the dark halls. Zyrok ran down the hallway as quietly as possible with Sarah trailing behind her. He turned occasionally to make sure she was doing fine. She seemed alright, perhaps because she lived in the apartment for quite a while. In less than three minutes, the pair already reached the streets without alerting any zombies.
            “Where’s the embassy?” Zyrok stopped at an intersection looking lost.
            “That way.” Sarah pointed left with her golf club.
            “Oh okay.” Zyrok thanked and looked at the apartment he was in.
            He will remember that apartment because it meant something to him. It brought back memories of Sarah and gave him a purpose he was looking for…and now he had found it.
            “The sun’s going down, so we better hurry.” Zyrok began to jog lightly.

Clifton, Karachi, Pakistan
UNSC Cobra Squad’s Camp
May 10, 2001
1710 Local Time

            “There…use that table.” Frederick pointed at a desk occupied by some bottles and paper.
            Parker ran to the desk and pushed everything to the ground in one quick motion. Sears carried the unconscious Hariprasad and gently placed him flat on the sturdy desk.
            “What’s going on?” Daniels rushed into the room.
            “He’s bit.” Sears pointed at Hariprasad’s leg.
            “Has he taken his shot?” Daniels asked.
            “No and he has lost some blood already.” Sears wiped his bloody hands on his shirt.
            “Where’s the official medic kit?” Parker pulled out her combat knife and cut open Hariprasad’s shirt.
            “Upstairs, but it’s in the crates. There’s one in the Falcon. I’ll go get it.” Daniels ran off.
            “His heart rate is dropping.” Parker checked Hariprasad’s pulse.
            “Do we have a shot of adrenaline?” Frederick asked.
            “It should be on the Falcon.” Sears answered.
            “There’s not enough time. We need to extract him out of here and get him on UNSC Perth.” Parker placed her hand on Hariprasad’s neck.
            “UNSC Perth won’t allow the Falcon to land.” Frederick replied.
            “Then make it work LT. I’m not going to let my men die.” Sears said with a serious face.
            “Alright, let’s see how the weather is. We’ll get Daniels, you, and Hariprasad aboard.” Frederick pointed.
            “Come on, let’s go.” Parker lifted Hariprasad’s arms.
            Sears quickly rushed to help Parker lift the unconscious marine to the stairwell when suddenly Daniels opened the door.
            “What’s going on?” Daniels lifted his medic kit.
            “Take the adrenaline shot out and we’ll airlift him to UNSC Perth.” Frederick ordered.
            “Ma’am, the weather is strong winds on the coats. We’re lucky if we even make it that far.” Daniels warned.
            “Corporal, I need solutions not excuses. Make it happen.” Frederick gave an evil stare.
            “Yes…ma’am.” Daniels nodded and searched the medic kit.
            “Get going.” Frederick looked at the two marines carrying Hariprasad.
            Daniels produced a needle from the kit and administered it into Hariprasad’s left arm while the group headed to the Falcon.
            “You know what? Sears, stay behind and mark the UNSC assets. I’ll take Hariprasad back. We need to multi-task.” Frederick changed her mind.
            Sears and Parker laid Hariprasad on the seat and watched Frederick hop on.
            “Get this airborne…now!” Frederick ordered.
            Daniels looked at Parker and frowned before getting inside the cockpit. He started the ignition sequence and the console lit up.
            “Let’s get clear.” Parker stood back as the rotors began to turn.
            “UNSC Perth, this is Charlie 121 heading to your location.” Daniels lifted the Falcon off the roof and spoke on the RaidComm.
            “Charlie 121, you are not cleared for landing. We have unstable winds and in rough waters.” Stewart spoke with some concern in his voice.
            “UNSC Perth, we have a casualty and require immediate medical assistance. How copy?” Daniels turned the Falcon towards the stormy skies where UNSC Perth was.
            “We copy, but it’s too dangerous. The Falcon is not capable to sustain the weathering.” Stewart replied.
            “Make it work Daniels.” Frederick shouted over the roar of the rotors.
            “UNSC Perth, we are coming regardless. Have a team ready for immediate assistance. Repeat, we’re coming in.” Daniels nodded and pushed the throttle forward.
            As the Falcon reached the outskirts of the city, strong gusts of wind began to swing the Falcon from side to side. At one point, the wind nearly tilted the aircraft sideways.
            “Hang on!” Daniels shouted.

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