Monday, July 28, 2014

VC2 Chapter 1-Crash Landing

Sector 2300
Planet 2305
November 13, 2052

A tall asian man with black hair sat at the helm of a Nighthawk frigate. On his Admiral uniform, he was identified as “Chu” with a lot of decorated medals on his chest. Inside the bridge, lights were flashing red indicating that there was hull damage.
“Charlie, we've lost all engines.” an officer reported to the Admiral as sparks flew from his console.
“Send a distress signal out to Northern Base.” Charlie commanded.
“Aye sir. Patching transmission to NB.” the communications officer acknowledged.
“We're being pulled by the planet.” the officer reported as he changed his command station when an electrical fire broke out.
“I can see that. Get to the escape pods.” Charlie watched as the surface of the ship began to turn into a scorching red as it fell into its atmosphere.
“Negative sir. All pods are severely damaged by the fire.” a tall Caucasian man with a goatee with ranks of a Captain replied as he was managing his station flipping various switches.
“What's your recommendation McClelland?” Charlie turned his head towards the Captain.
“We have better chances here than launching a damaged pod.” McClelland strapped himself to his seat.
“Solid copy. Let's see if we can glide the ship down.” Charlie switched to manual controls.
“We're loosing hydraulics. Outer hull has already disintegrated.” McClelland reported as massive smoke covered the bridge windows.
“Mayday mayday. This is NB Charlie. We've been hit and we are going down. Repeat, we are going down.” Charlie sent a broadcast as he quickly strapped in.
Charlie attempted to pilot the crippled frigate at an angle to increase air resistance to reduce the speed. The bottom section of the ship was already molten red as the ship burned on its entry into the atmosphere.
“2000 meters. We're going too fast Charlie.” McClelland eyed his monitor.
“I'm trying.” Charlie yanked his controls hard and had no effect.
“I think the hydraulics are gone.” an officer reported.
“1500.” McClelland said.
“Shit man. Strap yourselves in. It's going to be a rough landing.” Charlie watched as the smoke in front of his ship clear up briefly to reveal a thick dense forest in their approach.
“500!” McClelland shouted as the ship began to spiral uncontrollably.
“Brace for impact!” Charlie shouted as he covered his head as the ship came crashing into the trees igniting everything in its path knocking him unconscious.
The frigate split into pieces and began tumbling in different directions. Some crew members were thrown out in the process as the ship mowed down the trees. Massive fire quickly spread out in the forest creating a long trail of smoke clouds.
“Owwww.” Charlie moaned in pain as he woke up from the sounds of some people screaming for help.
“Charlie!” McClelland unstrapped himself from his seat and wiped his bloody nose.
Charlie was wincing in pain as a tree branch had snapped off and impaled through the front window right into his abdomen.
“Hang on.” McClelland crawled under some metal debris before reaching Charlie's command chair.
Blood was dripping out from the tip of the tree spike and had already formed a small pool below the chair. An injured officer rushed to aid McClelland and began to put pressure on Charlie's wound.
“Put pressure there.” McClelland directed the officer's hands onto Charlie's stomach.
“” Charlie cried out in a state of shock once he saw the tree branch impaling into his body.
McClelland looked around the massive debris field and saw a few survivors who were moderately injured as well. There were no medic kits visible in the vicinity and the amount of blood leaking out of the officer's hand was too much.
“Captain, he's losing a lot of blood.” the officer shouted as he coughed from the smoke.
The Captain was certain that his Admiral was going to die due to lack of medical attention.
“Charlie. Hey Charlie.” McClelland gently tapped the man's face to keep his focus on him instead of the injury.
“Huh what?” Charlie breathed shallowly.
“You are going to die. It's going to be okay.” McClelland looked at Charlie with reassuring eyes.
“” Charlie shook his head as he coughed blood.
“It's okay. Let it take you. You won't feel any more pain.” McClelland held Charlie's head with his hands.
“I can't die...die. can't.” Charlie stuttered.
“You did great Charlie, but you need to let go. Who do you love?” McClelland smiled softly in an attempt to divert Charlie's focus.
“I...can't die.” Charlie coughed again.
“Who do you love?” McClelland asked again as he watched the officer's hands covered in blood.
“Sarah...yes. Sarah.” Charlie reached his hand to grab McClelland's hand tightly.
“Let her take you to peace.” McClelland grabbed Charlie's hand tightly.
Tears formed beside Charlie's eyes as he blinked hardly. He was having difficulties seeing and could not make out McClelland's face.

 “God rest your soul Admiral Charlie Chu.” McClelland watched as the man closed his eyes into darkness.

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