Wednesday, September 10, 2014

VC2 Chapter 11-Gibraltar

Sector 2300
Planet 2304
October 21, 2052

Johnson led his fleet towards the opposite of the planet where a small blockade was scattered as the ships flew to assist the frontal assault.
“Papagiannis, we need to punch through the lines and get on the surface quick.” Johnson transmitted to a fleet of Revelation cruisers beside him.
“You got it Captain.” Papagiannis replied and his fleet began to increase speed.
“The enemy has spotted us Captain.” an officer alerted Johnson who had stared blankly into space.
“Huh?” Johnson snapped out of trance.
“Enemy knows we're here.” the officer repeated.
“Full thrusters forward. Ready weapons.” Johnson sat on his command chair and strapped himself in.
Johnson's Apocrypha demolished the first Exodus cruiser scout with assistance from his other ships and quickly noted that the enemy have decided to form a defensive line.
“Arrow formation guys. We're going to ram through it.” Johnson issued the command to the ships.
“Solid copy Captain.” Papagiannis acknowledged as his fleet began to form in a triangle.
Two fleets in the shapes of triangles flew tightly together as they charged towards the defensive line. The enemy ships opened fire and unleashed a barrage of hex missiles and plasma torpedoes. The explosives appeared to be equipped with AM detonators as the blast radius rippled to the nearby ships on the point of contact.
“Hydra missiles!” Papagiannis shouted as the cluster of missiles tracked towards them as they got closer.
“Sir, lead ship is under heavy fire. Shields are taken out!” an officer reported.
“Cycle ship formations!” Johnson watched as the lead Apocrypha was pelted with explosives.
The lead Apocrypha reduced thrusters speed and allowed the two trailing ships to pass before going back to full speed. The ship was neatly protected from the hydra missiles, but were still getting beat up by the blast radius of the plasma torpedoes. In a matter of minutes, the lead ship blew up and drifted away from the formation.
“Captain, there's a venom blocking our path.” Papagiannis reported from his approach.
“Stay your course Lieutenant Commander!” Johnson directed.
“But I'll lose a ship upon impact.” Papagiannis replied as the his fleet were quickly nearing the venom in their way.
“I've already lost a ship son. Ram through it and get to the surface by all means necessary. I don't want to hear excuses...I want results!” Johnson scolded at Papagiannis through an open broadcast.
Papagiannis watched as his fleet smashed through the venom barrier as his lead ship made impact. In a matter of seconds, the lead ship was disintegrating in space as the hull lost its integrity.
“Damn it.” Papagiannis muttered under his breath as his ship flew past the debris of his dead Revelation cruiser crew.
Papagiannis sat in his chair in frustration as he watched other ships approach the surface of the planet.
“We did it guys!” Johnson congratulated everyone on comms.

 “But at what cost?” Papagiannis thought to himself.

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