Sunday, December 21, 2014

VC2 Chapter 12-Touchdown

Sector 2300
Planet 2304
October 21, 2052

“The facility is right over there.” Papagiannis saw a distant base hovering in the sky.
“Let's get moving. That one hour countdown has begun already.” Johnson ordered as he steered his ship toward the massive base.
“Incoming fighters launching from the base. Two waves of Harrier frigates!” an officer reported as he scanned the radar.
“Harriers? These guys are amateurs.” Papagiannis laughed as his Revelation cruiser quickly made work of the Harrier spam.
“Combat turrets are activating.” Johnson noted as fusion torpedo turrets fired a wave explosives towards them.
“Captain, what's that odd looking weapon that's charging red?” Papagiannis watched as a turret turned and aimed at his ship.
Before Johnson could reply back, the turret fired a steady red beam onto Papagiannis' ship instantly holding it in space.
“Engines overloaded. This looks like a weapon designed to hold enemy ships.” Papagiannis looked at his own ship's status.
“We have multiple ships, it can't lock all of us at once. Full speed ahead.” Johnson broadcasted to the ships.
Johnson's fleet moved to engage the nearby turrets instantly wiping them out with concentrated fire. Papagiannis' fleet circled around to take out the other turrets. In a matter of minutes, the base was occupied with VEGA and NB fleets with a few ship losses.
“Papagiannis we have found a complete set of Hydra missile blueprints.” Johnson watched his men hurry out of a lab with a giant metallic crate.
“What about the new weapon Captain Johnson?” Papagiannis pointed at the dead turret outside the base.
“Looks like a prototype of some sort. There's nothing we can do to reverse technology on a dead weapon turret. We need to get out of here now. Something tells me this was too easy.” Johnson patted Papagiannis on the back as he hurried back to his cruiser.
The remaining ships launched and exited the planet encountering zero resistance from the rear side of the blockade.
“Du Preez and Tarbuck, do you copy?” Johnson sent a transmission.
“Shall we wait for them?” Papagiannis looked in the distant space for signs of battle.
“Du Preez or Tarbuck, are you there?” Johnson transmitted again.
“I think I see enemy ships inbound.” an officer alerted Johnson as ships appeared from the sides of the planet.

 “Local units, move to LZ Kilo.” Johnson made the call uncertain on the whereabouts of Admiral Tarbuck and Captain Du Preez.

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