Sunday, August 19, 2012

UNSCDF Chapter 14- First Mission

Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
UNSC Richmond Outpost
July 22, 1999
0950 Local Time

            “We’re ready for liftoff Zyrok.” a man in his mid twenties shouted from the Pelican cockpit.
           “Let’s get moving.” Charlie waved his hand as he looked at Casey and Hawkes sitting in front of him.
          “First mission Zyrok. What do you think?” Casey looked at Charlie looking down at the outpost as the Pelican lifted off.
          “I’m excited. The mission doesn’t sound that difficult. We just need to do a reset on a communications tower.” Charlie replied.
            “Yeah, but I heard there’s a lot of infected down in Abbotsford.” Casey commented.
            “Doesn’t matter. If it gets in our way, we crush it.” Hawkes pounded his fist.
            “Don’t be overconfident Hawkes.” Casey glared at Hawkes.
            “He’s got a point.” Charlie agreed.
            “Well, it’s my game face.” Hawkes grinned.
            “War is not a game, my friend.” Charlie replied.
            “What do you know about war?” Hawkes challenged.
            “I know the value of life. Every life is important.” Charlie countered and thought of Sarah.
            “Enough Hawkes, he’s our commanding officer.” Casey nudged Hawkes.
          “It’s alright Casey. Look you guys don’t need to treat me special just because I’m a lieutenant. I’m not your boss, I’m your friend.” Charlie explained.
            “Wow, man.” Hawkes widened his eyes.
           “What?” Charlie asked.           
       “You’re different. I thought that you were one of those hardcore hardened officers that I’ve encountered before.” Hawkes replied.
            “Well, I’m not.” Charlie grinned.
            “That’s why I like him.” Casey looked at Hawkes.
            “Get some rest now. We’ll be there in half an hour or so.” Charlie sat comfortably in his seat.
            “Yeah, I sure will especially when we’re getting our own ride back.” Hawkes commented.
            “Cole told us there are UNSC assets left behind in the tower.” Charlie reassured.
          “Probably weapons and armor. Wait till we go there and don’t see a Warthog in sight.” Hawkes joked.
            “We’ll find a way back. It’s Cole testing us in the field. Putting skills we learned to use.” Charlie closed his eyes to rest.

Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada
Abbotsford International Airport
July 22, 1999
1025 Local Time

            “We’re here. Good luck marines. I’ve got to pick up marines down at Pitt Meadows.” the pilot shouted from the cockpit.
            “Alright thanks.” Charlie exited the Pelican holding a USP.
            Casey and Hawkes immediately followed behind Charlie and then waved at the Pelican as it lifted off into the blue skies.
         “The communications tower is nine hundred meters west of our location.” Charlie studied his datapad.
            “Got it, let’s move.” Casey ordered as he slung his MSG-9 over his back.
            The team lightly jogged west and reached the tower in twenty minutes. A zombie was standing in front of the door when Casey smashed his gun at its back of its head.
            “That was easy.” Casey laughed.
“Hawkes, you stay here while Casey and I reset the communications junction up at the tower.” Charlie directed as he swiped his UNSC ID badge on the access panel.
“Access granted. Welcome Lieutenant Charlie.” the computer spoke in a woman’s voice.
Surprisingly, the door only slid open one tenth and could not allow the marines to squeeze through.
“Damn it.” Charlie hit the panel with frustration.
            “We can boost you over to the second ledge.” Casey pointed at the second floor window.
            “Sounds good.” Charlie agreed.
            Hawkes boosted Charlie to the second ledge and then boosted Casey as Charlie assisted.
            “Good luck. I’ll kill anything I see in sight.” Hawkes waved.
            “Alright, see you soon.” Charlie waved back and entered a dark room.
            “The junction should be a couple levels up.” Casey pointed at the stairwell.
            “Let’s double time it.” Charlie commanded.
            Casey and Zyrok ran up a few flights of stairs and opened the door to the rooftop. They saw the tower flashing red and looked at an opened communications box twenty meters above their head.
            “I’ll climb it and reset it.” Charlie headed for the metal rails and began to climb.
            After a few minutes of careful climbing, Charlie looked at the box and studied it.
            “You’ll need to flip the switch beside power that looks like a lever.” Casey hollered.
            “I see it.” Charlie flipped the lever.
            Suddenly the alarm sounded off from the whole building.
            “Warning, all systems reset. All doors unlocked. Quarantine cancelled.” the speakers announced.
            “Quarantine cancelled?” Casey hollered.
            “I flipped the right lever.” Charlie began to climb down.
            Out of nowhere, a mob of zombies sprinted out viciously from the rooftop entrance.
            “Run! Find Hawkes and get a vehicle first. I’m not going to make it.” Charlie stopped climbing.
            “What about you?” Casey fired his gun at the zombies.
            “Get transport first and get me later. Now go! That’s an order.” Charlie climbed back up to the top of the tower and saw Casey climb down the ledge holding on to some cables.
            “Sir, this is a mess down here.” Hawkes shouted on the RaidCall.
          “I know Hawkes. Casey’s coming down, see if you can cover him from the west wall.” Charlie replied back with urgency.
            “Solid copy. What about you sir?” Hawkes asked with concern.
            “Find transport first and then get me. Understood?” Charlie replied and looked down to see zombies swarming the tower left and right.
            “Solid copy, Zyrok. Good luck. Hawkes out.” Hawkes ended the RaidCall communications as he fired at three zombies.
            “Casey!” Hawkes yelled as he laid a light cover to hold the line as Casey slowly climbed down to the second floor.
            “Oh man.” Casey groaned to realize that he had to jump one full story down.
            “Jump Sarge!” Hawkes reloaded his gun.
            “UNSC!” Casey ran and jumped onto a zombie.
            Casey crushed the zombie and then bashed its head.
            “We need to find transport.” Casey told Hawkes.
            “I know. I saw a hangar nearby when I was done here guarding.” Hawkes pointed at a building in the far distance.
            “Then let’s move!” Casey ordered and began to run.
            After a cycle of running, shooting, and covering, the team finally made it to the hangars.
            “We need to get inside. The zombies are coming!” Casey frantically looked for an access panel.
            “Hurry up!” Hawkes laid suppressing fire into the mob chasing after them.
            “Found it!” Casey found a side entrance and swiped his ID badge on the panel.
            The door unlocked and Casey waved at Hawkes to follow through. Casey slammed the door shut and heard the zombies pounding on the door.
            “This is what I’m talking about.” Hawkes shouted as he saw a Falcon docked on a platform.
            “Sweet! Let’s fire it up and get Zyrok.” Casey smiled.
            Hawkes approached the Falcon and noticed it was missing all its armaments. He shrugged and then jumped into the cockpit.
        “No weapons or turrets.” Hawkes replied as Casey climbed on the Falcon and peeked at the console.
            “That’s fine. One person flies and the other shoots from the back with what we have. Question is…who can fly this?” Casey asked.
            “Darn, I thought you knew.” Hawkes climbed out of the cockpit.
            “Nope. Let’s see if we can find a manual of some sort.” Casey flipped through the drawers inside the cockpit and found nothing.
            “I’ll go look around the office.” Hawkes pointed at a room nearby.
            After a few hours of searching, the marines were tired and had given up.
            “I’m just going to do trial and error.” Casey jumped into the cockpit with frustration.
            “Hit that yellow big button.” Hawkes pointed.
            Casey pressed the button and the system lit up. The screen flashed a low battery and a low fuel sign and the screen went black.
            “It’s out of juice.” Casey exited the Falcon and went to find fuel.
            “I’ll get jump start cables to see if I can start it up.” Hawkes headed back to the office.

Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada
UNSC Communications Tower
July 22, 1999
2200 Local Time

            “What’s taking them so long?” Charlie wondered as he sat on the ledge as zombies swarmed below the tower.
            Charlie wondered if his marines made out alive at all because his RaidCall was not functioning long range due to the tower interference. He also began to wonder if he would make it out alive.
            “Well, this looks like it’s the end of the road for me.” Charlie looked sadly “I don’t think I’ll ever see Sarah.”
            Suddenly, he felt a sense of hope and inspiration as he took out his wallet and looked at the printed photo of Sarah.
            “I made a promise to her and I will find her.” Charlie felt determined.
            Charlie felt renewed strength inside him to wait for his marines to bring transport and rescue him. As he was waiting, he took out a piece of napkin he left in his pocket from the cafeteria and began to write a poem. After thirty minutes, he looked at what he wrote and smiled.
“On that dark cold weary night,
There were zombies coming left and right.
I sat alone on the damp moldy tower,
And in the mist was a single flower,
That brought hope and promise to the forsaken lands,
Which cast a shadow over cracked buildings and rubbled sands.
I stood there thinking about the happy times,
The troubles no bigger than pennies nor dimes.
The flower inspired me the courage and strength to fight,
To wipe out all infected within my sight.
In a world of chaos and destruction,
That flower showed me the strength of determination.
I am just a lonely survivor on this desolate planet,
Sitting alone by myself like a zombie magnet.”

            “This is for you Sarah.” Charlie looked at the dazzling stars in the night sky and smiled.

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