Friday, August 24, 2012

UNSCDF Chapter 18- The Revisit

Seattle, Washington, USA
UNSC Seattle Outpost
March 24, 2001
0725 Local Time

            Zyrok sat in his office and checked his computer for mail He noticed a folder marked “Important! Please Read” and clicked it to read the contents. Tory had sent him a list of the three new marines he had assigned into Echo Squad. He looked at the list and noticed two familiar names.
            “Lance Corporal Brandon Pruett and Private Aaron Nevarez.” Zyrok read the names out loud.
            He looked down the list as he saw a “Lance Corporal Joshua Schmidt” at the bottom of the list. Zyrok closed the folder and decided to meet his new marines before departing for the mission in two hours. Zyrok exited his office and went to the Mess Hall. Zyrok glanced over the first few tables as he noticed a loud Casey pounding the table and laughing. Zyrok approached his men and tapped Casey on the back.
            “What’s the commotion?” Zyrok asked amused.
            “Oh, we’re just enjoying the time while we can.” Casey laughed.
            “Sir, Lance Corporal Joshua Schmidt reporting for duty.” a young marine with a cool composure stood up from his seat and saluted Zyrok.
            “Nice to meet you Schmidt.” Zyrok saluted back.
            “I was telling Schmidt not to overestimate the Titan.” Taylor spoke to Zyrok.
            “Indeed, the Titan took out a lot of marines on our previous mission.” Zyrok nodded in agreement.
            “Yes sir.” Schmidt nodded back.
            “Alright, I want you folks geared up in one hour before departing. I’ll see you folks soon.” Zyrok waved goodbye and left the Mess Hall.
            “Zyrok!” Pruett ran up beside him.
            “Yes Pruett?” Zyrok turned around.
         “The Pelican is already loaded up with the Warthog you requested, sir.” Pruett replied with satisfaction.
            “Good job. We’ll regroup one hour before departure to get geared up. Take some rest.” Zyrok patted Pruett’s shoulder.
            “Got it sir.” Pruett saluted and walked off.
            Zyrok wanted to see what armor upgrades he could get and headed over to the armory. He went to the counter and asked the marine in charge for an upgrade of his armor.
            “Captain Zyrok, you can choose whether you want a SN-42 or a Reactive SLX. Both are fine pieces of armor.” the marine took out the armor.
            “I’ll take the SLX.” Zyrok grabbed the armor and placed it on him.
            The armor was a good fit and lightweight. The SLX had a better look than the flak jacket he originally wore. Zyrok adjusted the side straps and then patted his chest. It felt nice and comfortable as he tested its mobility.
            “Thanks.” Zyrok thanked the marine and walked out.

Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Insertion Kilo
March 24, 2001
1250 Local Time

            “Alright, we’re here. Everybody out!” Zyrok commanded as Pruett landed the Pelican in the outskirts of the city.
            “Pruett, drop the Warthog off and hold position at Extraction Point Hotel until further notice.” Zyrok spoke to Pruett before jumping off the Pelican with the other marines.
            “Got it sir. Detaching Warthog. Good luck sir.” Pruett pressed a button and detached the Warthog.
            “See you soon Pruett.” Zyrok waved as the Pelican lifted off.
            Forester hopped into the passenger’s seat as Nevarez manned the turret.
            “I’ll drive.” Casey volunteered.
Zyrok watched as Taylor and Schmidt huddled over beside him and waited for instructions.
“Forester, your call sign is Echo 2-3 and ours 1-3. We’ll enter the rooftops to scout ahead while you’re on the ground doing the devastation.” Zyrok smiled.
“Sounds good Captain.” Forester saluted.
“I love it.” Nevarez fist pumped the air.
“Alright, let’s move.” Zyrok commanded as he motioned his men to head towards the city.
“Let’s roll.” Forester told Casey as Zyrok hurried off with his men.
Casey drove past some ruined buildings and cars and then stopped as he saw a group of zombies blocking their path.
“Shall I?” Nevarez pointed his turret.
“Don’t. Ammo is limited, so splatter them.” Forester waved her hand forward.
“Gladly.” Casey peddled to the metal.
The Warthog screeched as the tires spun on the dry pavement and then jerked forward. The zombies turned to the noisy Warthog and walked forward. The speeding Warthog rammed the zombies and splattered them all over the road.
“Whoot.” Nevarez shouted.
Forester smiled as she pointed at an intersection to make a turn right.
“We should reach the Relief Center in a couple of blocks. We might be able to grab a vehicle and give one to Zyrok.” Forester explained.
“Alright. Let’s do this.” Casey continued driving down the road.

Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
City Park
March 24, 2001
1500 Local Time

            “We’re almost at the vantage point for scouting.” Taylor pointed at a building far away.
            “I’d say it’s another few kilometers.” Schmidt sighed.
            “Come on folks, we can do it.” Zyrok encouraged.
            Zyrok took point as he turned around a corner.
            “Holy crap!” Zyrok spun around and ran back to his men.
            “What?” Taylor steadied his M21.
            “The Titan is right around the corner.” Zyrok pointed.
            “Let’s get to higher grounds.” Taylor pointed at a building across the street.
            “Double time, let’s hurry.” Zyrok directed.
          Zyrok ran onto the street as he saw the Titan roaming beside other zombies. Zyrok saw a two-headed zombie next to the entrance of the building and watched in horror as the zombie screamed a high pitch scream.
            “Get inside now!” Zyrok shot the two-headed zombie and waved frantically as the Titan turned its head and ran towards them.
            Zyrok and his men closed the door and quickly ran up the stairs. The Titan began to bash the building as Zyrok watched from the rooftop. Below the building, a horde of zombies had gathered around the base and there was no way out.
            “Echo 2-3, this is Echo 1-3. Do you copy, over?” Zyrok spoke on the RaidCall as Schmidt guarded the rooftop entrance.
            “Go ahead 1-3, what’s up?” Forester replied back.
            “We are being engaged by the Titan and a horde of zombies. Request support.” Zyrok looked as the windows below them shattered from the Titan’s blows.
            “Solid copy 1-3. We’re on our way. What’s your location over?” Forester asked.
          “We’re near City Park on the roof of a building.” Zyrok responded quickly as he looked for a way out.
            “Copy 1-3, we’re coming ASAP, 2-3 out.” Forester replied and ended the RaidCall.
            Zyrok looked as the Titan knocked out the foundations of the building saw the building began to tilt.
            “Aw hell.” Taylor complained as the left corner of the roof smashed into another building.
            “Brace yourselves!” Zyrok shouted as the building tilted and smashed into the adjacent building.

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