Thursday, July 5, 2012

Chapter 40- A Tribute for the Greater Good

             Sacrificing something is not easy to do. Whether or not it’s something that can’t be returned back, an item, or something priceless, a part of us wants to keep it with us. Sometimes a necessary sacrifice for something else is worth it. It’s almost like getting out of our comfort zone. Even though we are unsure of the possibilities of a sacrifice, we need to evaluate if the sacrifice is for a greater good and perhaps improve where you are at now.

            I think the biggest thing one could sacrifice is time. Time does not stop and wait for you. You are given a certain amount of time each day in your life. You can’t buy more time or sell your time. Therefore time is a big thing one can sacrifice because we all want to do the things that we want to do without our time being wasted. In my opinion, if I can make some time for something or someone by sacrificing other tasks or reprioritizing my tasks, it means that it means a lot to me. Then again, this is just my own personal views on sacrificing time for people or things.

            Sometimes a necessary sacrifice is for the greater good. An example would be canceling my own relaxing time to arrange a meeting with a friend to resolve misunderstandings and to repair the friendship. As you can see, the friendship priority would be higher than my relaxing time. The sacrifice of my relaxing time is worth it to fix a friendship that I want to last forever instead of an one hour relax time which may prove no use in the future. Although I’m removing my stress removal relax time, I value fixing a relationship more even if it stresses me out. I’ll just have to find another way or time to relieve my stress.

            If you think about it, some sacrifices are worth it, some sacrifices are worth it because if benefits you more if you see the big picture. Remember, sacrifices are determined by what means to you the most. If you see no value, then don’t make a sacrifice you’ll regret later.

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