Saturday, July 7, 2012

Chapter 42- Postive Reaction

          I am a believer of positive environment promoting positive personalities. I think that in any environment, whether it is working, volunteering, or learning, if the environment is healthy, safe, and positive atmosphere, the results would be outstanding. Good mood creates good results. Bad mood creates poor results. It is the simple action reaction cycle.

            Positive environment promotes efficiency because the person is feeling good. A good example would be my work. My boss who likes to pick on me would say that I did something wrong or inefficient and continue it non-stop. The more he picks on me, the less morale I have because simple because the environment was so hostile. Occasionally at work, my boss would be replaced by a female supervisor and my daily potential would remain at a high. Reason? This supervisor gives encouragement, praise, and constructive feedback to me when she’s in charge of the day. As a result, my morale is high and I become error-free during work. This becomes a positive cycle because she created a positive environment, I was able to reach my potential and get more positive encouragement back.

            From this experience, I implement this cycle when I take on a leadership role. In my gaming group, I create a positive and friendly environment so that all the members would be happy and more productive within the group. As a leader, I rarely have members that disobey and cause problems mainly because I give them a lot of free space and cut them some slack. We are all there to socialize and to have fun. Occasionally I would have to remind others of their tasks and responsibilities and there would be no problem as we know each other’s limits, capabilities, and norms.

            In my opinion, I think everyone should do the positive cycle because morale is high, efficiency is high, and satisfaction with work would be high. It is like the term said to leaders that they lead by example. Like attracts like, period.

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