Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Blog 197

Day 197
Wed. Apr. 9, 2014

GBDA102 final exam! Somehow I am so calm and not even panicking to the thought of this exam. It was in the PAC and we had two and a half hours to do it. I flipped over the exam booklet and quickly did the 20 multiple choice and moved onto to the short answers. I had to choose five out of six and write about it in detail giving relevant examples. While everyone around we so serious and fixed onto their exams, I smiled and grinned as I wrote my responses. It's not the fact that I'm leaving the university and that my marks are going to be irrelevant, but rather the thought of people stressing so hard over an exam when I feel that mostly common sense was used in the short answer sections.

Anyways, I decided to spend my remaining WatCard dollars on food so that I don't waste them. It turns out that I was short on funds and forced to drop and extra food. My final balance was 22 cents which I felt was worth scrapping once I leave here.

Later, my roommate and I went to Mel's Diner where we both order the Elvis burger which was a 1 pound patty. To my surprise, I wasn't able to finish the fries and salad portion, but I took it home for future desserts.
As for tomorrow, I plan to write my two essay questions for my INTST101 take-home exam. 

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