Friday, September 27, 2013

Day 18

Day 18
Fri. Sept. 27, 2013

I got a little bit behind on the blogging for today. I almost didn't wake up on time today for the Stratford due to my sickness. Well, I made it anyways and I'm happy I did. Stratford courses are always filled with fun and learnings especially GBDA103. That class is by far the most interactive class you can be. We got a group assembled and we have to find a problem and later on see if we can come up with a solution. I must admit, I feel there is a difference in group dynamics. Some members were not as enthusiastic as I was in this class. They were more quiet and distracted with their online world…

Anyways, GBDA101 focused on Adobe Illustrator and oh my....that program is so different compared to Photoshop that I use. The class went to the computer lab, but there wasn't enough computers for all of us. I found that to be very upsetting as some of use like me did not get the hands-on experience that I wanted.

The night came and I was talking to my girlfriend...something was up and I knew it from the tone. She wanted to go for a break... What have I done? Did I screw up along the way? No, she wanted a break from the whole relationship deal. Pretty upsetting to hear from her, but I gave her the break as much as it hurt because I loved her. We'll see how it goes tomorrow...

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