Sunday, June 24, 2012

Chapter 29- The Golden Crown

             I’m sure that at one point we’ve taken on a position of power or leadership. With reality always acting so strange and unpredictable, we want some sense of control. There will always be some who are power hungry and refuse to step down or perhaps there are people who have the power, but do nothing. Power is earned by trust and respect and not by showing who has the strength or the brains. When one is in a position of power, there are followers underneath them. The people beneath them are not slaves and they are no different than you. We are all the same; we are humans.

            A powerful leader is respected and trusted within the community. When I run my gaming group, I make sure everyone is equal. I treat them like a family; provide help and services when need. A lot of my members said that I was a great leader and that my group was a great group to join. Others said I didn’t need to change my leadership styles because it works. Hearing that from my members gave me a boost of morale and enthusiasm as I try to make it an even better gaming group.

            A leader must know that with power, there is responsibility. Power is earned and not given. Abuse of power may result in consequences that may leave a bad imprint in people. In my gaming group, a chain of command is established not because I want to obtain more power, but actually give power to people to assist me with my responsibilities. It may be also known as the delegation of tasks since there are certain tasks doable without requiring my presence.

            I personally believe that one should not have a dictatorship role. The spreading of power is the diplomatic way where everyone benefits. I would like to known as a good leader. Someone that can be trusted and relied upon. In return, I would do the same and uphold my golden crown and be a good king. A king who treats all equal and wears no signs of royalty to differentiate from others.

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