Friday, February 7, 2014

Day 136

Day 136
Fri. Feb. 7, 2014

What a cold day to wake up early for Stratford Fridays! Honesty to myself, I do not want to go to Stratford because it was not as interesting as the first term where I was actually excited about school.

GBDA102 was a normal class because I wasn't really excited thinking about a mid-term for next week. Other than the fact that we had some interesting things simulataneously in class, I felt like it was a repetition of INTST101.

ECON101...I don't even know where to start. This class is the driest class and sleepiest class I can be in simply because I have absolutely no idea what the professor is talking about by not engaging us in relevant economic examples. I know for sure I am going to fail the mid-term next week.

The remainder of the night was spent thinking of quitting university in general. I don't think this is the place I want to be or do with my life. I am not seeing the potential that I can achieve from my degree.

Well, on the bright side, my girlfriend is back in Canada and I was able to chat with her and my Aussie mate simultaneously.

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