Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 153

Day 153
Mon. Feb. 24, 2014

Today's ARTS111 class was cancelled due to the fact that the instructor was sick. This means that my reading week break extends all the way to tomorrow since I have no classes as well for my Tuesdays.

Despite having no class, I went to campus to buy $40 worth of food from my WatCard to stock up my supplies. Ever since I live so far from the campus, I have not been using my meal plan dollars.

Later the night, my roommate and I had a small poker session with one of my friends. We played a very calm and smooth game of poker and just talked about life. Since it there was only guys, it was guy talk. As one of the basic talks in guy talks, girls always need to be talked about. Surely, I am certain girls talk about guys too when they have their session. While amidst our poker session, another car was stuck in the snow and the three of us went our ways to be good Samaritans to push a car out of the snow. So Canadian eh?

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