Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day 180

Day 180
Sun. Mar. 23, 2014

It's my seven month anniversay for our relationship. I may seem like a guy who forgets things, but never meaningful dates. Anyways, I woke up to amazing feedback of my movie trailer that I did last night and I was craving for more. So, I sat down with my roommate to discuss about what types of genre I could film provided on low budget and minimal actors. It was quickly decided that I take on another trailer of my idea of a horror sociopathic roommate. Based off my roommate who always makes loud noises and have irregular activities in the house, it inspired me to do a short film idea about a psychotic roommate. We filmed a bit of the late night scenes and decided that it would be best to film some day scenes tomorrow.

So, the remainder of the night was spent Skyping my girlfriend and talking the night away and doing late night laundry for this week. I also did a recording of me singing A-Team Ed Sheeran for my girlfriend. I figured that since I was doing films, I would do a song for her. Did I do anything productive? School-wise? No, but future-wise? Yes, I'm slowly building my film portfolio through these shoots at Waterloo.

Here's the song I sang and made for my girlfriend:

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