Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day 73

Day 73
Thur. Nov. 21, 2013

Today must have been the worst headache or migraine I had thus far. I am on the edge between crashing to the ground and passing out or throwing up from the intense dizziness. Unsure of what the cause of this nature is, I'm taking Dimenhydrinate 50mg x2 for my systems. Funny thing is, I know a lot about the specific medicine I need to consume to keep me in my shape. No medical background, but I know what it does...that's another story from my past which I may reference to later on if I feel comfortable in talking about it.

Lots of group meeting and group work today. First I had my GBDA101 group meet and discussion on storyboards followed by another GBDA103 meeting on product designs. After that, I had ENGL100A where we watched a movie about Alan Moore, the comic artist, for the whole class. A good hour of stress relief, but the most stressful things were the ARBUS200 meeting at night and working on GBDA103 presentations which my group members were submitting me needed files I asked for three days ago.

The fact that's stressing me out the most is my teammates that I have to constantly nag to get stuff out despite being already late is absolutely ridiculous at the university stage. I understand that everyone is busy with their work, but if I can pull my time can they. I'm like a work horse with three riders on my back and it's draining my energy out.

Some days when I feel my lowest, I go talk to my girlfriend about it and she helps me sort things out. Regarding the events of yesterday, all I can say about that is she's in a state of denial of the incident. It's really sad how society works against the victims of said crimes. I was talking to a female friend of mine on FaceBook today discussing about the incident and she was telling how certain laws of assault can be bent into the offender's advantage. All I can do is be there for her and help her pull through this. I've always been there for her, it's just another obstacle that's come across my path.

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